View Full Version : Back to square 1

12-01-10, 19:24
Hi all I was feeling really good a few days ago, but now I feel like I have gone 50 steps back. I have all kind of things running through my head right now and I just don't know, Im so confused

12-01-10, 19:26
It's a setback and we have to come through them to reach recovery. Just go with the flow and you'll come through it. Each one can make you stronger.

12-01-10, 20:46
Myra I dont know if either I want to, or can come back from this, its hit me hard and tbh I don't even know what has caused it. I just wish i wasn't here and those loser and failure thoughts are now back in my head

12-01-10, 21:56
I know exactly how you feel. I have been coming through recovery when I had a couple of good days and then down I went again. What Myra said is right. We have to go through a setback to reach full recovery - up and down like a yo yo. Well one day and ill the next !!
I feel totally despaired when I hit a low but then I always seem to crawl back out of it. I have felt like you when I have even said to myself 'I wish I would just stay down' but nature won't allow that to happen to us. we are stronger than that and so much stronger for being able to come through a setback. Have you ever read DR CLAIRE WEEKES ? She explains setback so so well and I always refer back to her book when I am having a down time. I have suffered with depression on and off all my life and usually end up with an episode at least once a year. The most beautiful thing about depression is that you will never actually remember how bad you felt when you were in the middle of depression (I kind of relate this to when a woman gives birth, she never remembers the pain and then goes on to have more children). Does that make sense to you? Please write back, would love to talk to you more about all this setback lark. Think we are going through the same stage of recovery at the moment - I will always be the first to listen to you x I promise x

12-01-10, 22:07

To have set backs, you must have moved forward in the first place. Keep on going forward! You can do it Paul, just keep at it.

12-01-10, 22:12
HI danniella,
Thank you for your reply and yeah maybe I should read Dr Claire Weekes. I'm f ing confused right now. This is something I have used many times to people close to me, but right now I feel like a lonely little boy surrounded by people who are chatting and ignoring him. I hate feeling like this and me being like this has caused much destress to my family and now my ex GF and I'm finding everyting hard to deal with. I had 4-5 good days but im now back to square 1 and maybe I was trying to run before I could walk, who knows

12-01-10, 23:15
We all have set backs hun ..We call them blips ..They happen until you reach a point that your nerves become less sensitised .They do make you feel like you have gone back to square one but you havnt .They will become less frequent over time and will vary in the length of time they last .One day you will remind yourself that you havnt had any for a long time ..Then you will know you are well again .. Dont fear them or make them doubt that the good days didnt happen .Take each day as it comes and dont worry about tommorow ,You will get there in the end ..Hugs Sue x:hugs: