View Full Version : Tough few days - given Beta Blockers Propranolol

28-11-05, 19:23
Hi guys,

Just thought I would check in and say 'Hi' as i havnt been arounf for a while.

Had a tough 7-10 days health wise, had a few major panic attacks which have stuck with me, and the pysical symptoms ie heart racing, chest pains , missed beats and dp have been around too long lately for my liking!

I have been doing so well after my anxiety course....Im managing to go into small newsagents/post offices with someone...and today even managed to pop into a chemist while my mum waited in the car!!!

So the course has helped me with that siad of things, its just the physical symptoms...and since my first PA (when i move house) i seem to panic when i know I have a lot to do and it overwhelms me...so im trying to find ways of dealing with this.

Its been hard as im waking up with the fast heart etc so its hard to shake it off - i kinow its down to anxiety as my blood test/ecg/chest x-ray are all fine, but it stil dosnt seem to make it any easier for me to accept it is anxiety and tell it to s*d off!

Saw my doc today, as i think if i get the pysical symptoms down, it will help with my anxiety/panic, so he's prescribed be Propranolol beta blockers - only 10mg 2 tabs daily for 2 weeks, then he will review it - feel a bit at ease that these mite help (although i know i have to do a lot of work to help with beating it too) bu also a bit anxious as I started reading the side effects (got to the 2nd one and though - STOP!!!) so i'm starting them tomorrow.....

Anyways...just wanted to off load a bit [:I]


Tatty B xx