View Full Version : cold turkey, cbt and counciling....

12-01-10, 23:00
hi all

went docs today...

after 3 horrible months it has been agreed the prozac was not for me....the doc i saw today advised, that the reason prozac does not agree with some people and that its not good for anxiety and better for depression, is because apparently it gives you the kick up the arse you need to get out of bed and fight on...but if you suffer with anxiety it gives some people the kick up the arse when you dont need it causing further anxiety...

doc agreed as ive got cbt and counciling booked this week its all ok to come off them and give it a bash without meds.....docs said give it two weeks and if im up to it go back to work.....happy days..she gave me a pescription for sum stuff in case it all goes west but thats gone in the bin....it seemed even scarier than anything ive seen on this site and its not even listed on here...urrrrgggghhh.....

i have to be honest i feel like crap as the meds are leaving my system ..almost flu like at the min.... but the anixety has lifted tenfold the horrible nasty feeling have gone....i waited in the docs for 40 mins as she was running late....nothing happended ... was like errr....wtf......im just a bit scepitcal about how long this going to last its all a bit too good to be true.......at the min uuuuuuhhhhmmmmmmmm..................

comments please i need a bit of boost.....:hugs:

13-01-10, 18:23
urrrggggghhhhhh this stopping drugs thing is not going to well....the anxeity the drugs caused has gone....replaced now by my old friend the panic attack.....trying to stay clam....very scared at the min....x

13-01-10, 20:19
Hi Carter

No words of wisdom regarding the meds I'm afraid (I don't take any) but I wonder if you have been a wee bit rash in chucking the other prescription away?

Anyhow, it looks like you are making some strong decisions for yourself and you have got the CBT and counselling booked, good for you.

I get PA's sometimes and know how awful they are but try not to let them frighten you, you know that even though they feel so bad they can't actually hurt us.

I have come to the conclusion that anything anxiety related, phobias, PA's doesn't like to go quietly and you are making a stand against it.

Don't give up, pop on the forum or into chat if you're scared and let us know how it goes with the appointments this week.

Good luck :flowers:

14-01-10, 13:52
Sorry to hear that you are having such a bad time. I have been too recently and it is scary as well as very tiring to say the least!! I have found a book which really helps - better than anyother self help book called 'At last a life - Anixiety and Panic Free' by Paul David. Have a look on his website (Google it - it should work) some good stuff on there. I am learning the hard way to be patient and ride the bad times - everything you are after this will be stronger and wiser! Dig deep you can do it!
