View Full Version : Sore Nipples And Other Symtoms

12-01-10, 23:10

For the last 2 weeks my nipples have been sore and i have to wear bras because when my breasts rub against my t-shirt my nipple hurt. My arms sometimes chronically ache and it hurts when i go to the toilet .. removing bowels. I feel faint and sick and tired and i keep crying. Ive gone off foods aswell. WHATS WRONG WITH ME ? :weep:

12-01-10, 23:25
:hugs:Hi Ruby ,,you may have sore nipples hun because of hormones or the cold weather ..Get some sudocrem from the chemist ,it will help ..Alternatively some oil or vaseline ..You do sound like you are constipated and this will make you feel sick and go off your food etc. Arms can ache for many reasons ,maybe youve slept on them funny or it could be just anxiety ..You need to eat more fibre in your diet and fresh fruit and vegetables .Also not drinking enough water based drinks will give you constipation as it makes your stools dry and hard to pass ..Hope you feel better soon Luv Sue x

12-01-10, 23:30
is your period coming up? PMS can cause your breasts to be tender and sore nipples.
maybe if your really not well, the best thing might be to see your doctor.