View Full Version : Had enough

12-01-10, 23:26
Hi all, really sorry but am on a bit of a downer at the mo and just need to release it a bit.

I have always suffered from anxiety but since nov 08 it has been so much worse! In nov 08 i was in a stressful job that i hated and i started to develope grainy vision? Left work in dec 08 due to the fact it was to stressful and my eyes was really making me panic...been to see all kinds of drs and they said i have optic disk drusan and that it would not be causing my symptoms and that it does not cause a problem. However i googled it and read every horror story u can imagine and since then i have been petrified of going blind. My eyes have gpt worse, i struggle to see in dimly lit places and the grainy vision is quite bad, could this be due to anxiety?

My sister had her 8 children taken off of her and they was placed with various members of the family. I at firts took on my 6 wek old nephew and 9yr old neiece, however after 2 months my brother and his wife took the baby as it was too mush for me as i was working full time. 9the children came to live with me in june 08) I have had so many illness;s that turn out to be nothing and i am currently convinced i have ms :wacko: I cant ask my mum for support as she has 3 of my sisters young children.

Today my 8yr old sons head teacher called me to say that my son had told a 6yr old boy to pull his trouser down? Nothing happened but they thought it was odd and have called social services in and now i have to see them at the school tomorrow about it? I cant understand why he did this and i feel i have failed him as a mother!

I am in so much debt and i just feel like its going from bad to worse, i really dont know how to cope with all this. My dr has put me forward for counceling but i dont know hopw long that going to take. I just had enough of it all. I am sorry for the long post and babbling on but i dont have no where else to turn...i spend my days trying to be normal for the childrens sake and my nights crying?.....i have no life as i live in constant fear of the what if;s.

Thanks for listening xx:weep:

12-01-10, 23:36
sorry to hear your feeling so bad carli. hope things get better for you soon xxx

12-01-10, 23:41
Thanks hun xx

12-01-10, 23:45
im just goin to get a bath but if u wanna chat ill be on facebook soon. if ur not on ill speak to u soon xx keep ya chin up everything will be fine xx

12-01-10, 23:46
Ok hunni..thanks xx

jude uk
13-01-10, 00:31
we all know that google is not great for anyone that has anxiety etc But so many still do it and that leads to even more fear. Anxiety can cause many other issues and your sight could be one of them but always good to have it checked to put your mind at rest. Children can do so many strange/ funny things. Your child is no different from thousands of others and I am sure this will all blow over.

1. Dad that guy is black why is he black, who burnt him(age 4 while on a bus)
2. Check out my nail polish(age 6) and guess what I have some for you as well
3. while at church during singing...singing stops "I need a poo" in a loud voice

Kids do amazing and silly things

You have gone through so much but you will find over time life will get better

13-01-10, 00:43
hi, thanks judeswan. Life just seems against me right now but thankyou for answering thread x

13-01-10, 07:00
Sometimes anxiety can cause depersonalization/derealization. I have derealization, and the way you explain everything sounds a bit like it. My vision is grainy, everything is bright, but at the same time dim lighting looks much more dim than it should. It's very strange. Dp/dr is a symptom of anxiety, so once the anxiety is gone, it too will pass.

I had to see so many eye doctors because I couldn't figure out what was causing it!

Don't read any health stuff online. Almost all illness can cause the same exact symptoms, so if people can identify with certain symptoms, they freak out! Doesn't help anxiety at all.

13-01-10, 09:13
Hi Carli

Sorry to hear you're having it so tough right now :hugs:

Try to just take one step at a time. Dont think about all of the things that are worrying you, as it can become overwhelming.

Please dont google any more, its not going to help you hun. xx

As for your son, I wouldnt worry. Kids do and say the strangest of things, its no reflection on your parenting skills.

Try, find some time to yourself. Go soak in the bath, with some calming music on, and concentrate on that music. Dont thnk of anything else. Easier said than done I know, but even if its for a few minutes, its worth it.

13-01-10, 09:36
hi thanks for ur kind words...not sleeping 2 well at the mo and my time of the month is approaching so thats probley not helping! X x

13-01-10, 10:18
Hi Carli. You sound like you really care for everybody around you.Be as honest in real life as you are on here and people will see you are!The school thing about the trousers. My mate has twin 8 yr olds n they would think thats hilarious!If its any consolation, my friend caught her twins when they were about 5 at the top of the garden comparing their privates with their sister(aged 4) and my daughter(ages 5 at the time)! I was livid at first being a protective Mum but it really was in all innocence. We just explained that if they had any questions about their bodies to come and ask Mum.They went through a phase of pulling their and other friends trousers down because they thought it was funny.Again we had to explain why that was inappropriate. School has to intervene to protect the children which I'm sure you understand. Prepare yourself before you go in and find out why he did it and try and stay calm (being a Mum is so hard, we take EVERYTHING personally).Sounds like you have a sensible head and Im sure you can help sort this out.:hugs:

13-01-10, 10:46
thanks smudger...ur kind words have really helped x x

13-01-10, 17:16
hi all, meeting at school went well, they jjust said kids do these things at times and they are not too concerned about it and no further action will b taken. Thats such a relief as i was really worried last night. Thankyou all for your support and kind words :hugs:

13-01-10, 17:29
hiya im always worse around time of month especially just after!kids are so tiring and tiredness also makes anxiety worse and sometimes i find when like you i have a lot more to deal with than the average person i manage it fine but after my anxiety hits the roof and i focus on myself too much,i have also had issues with my eyes especially suddenly things moving from the side , or zig zags or unable to focus,i also often feel v off balance because of over focusing,so you not alone,chin up xx:hugs:

13-01-10, 17:32
Thanks julia...just gets so hard some days dosent it? Some days i am able to muddle through and other days im inconsolable!!! Definatly worse near my time of the month though :mad: Its one thing after the other!

13-01-10, 17:38
your so right,i have to smile though while you were answering my thread i was answering yours,i actually laughed out loud,this site is so good for us:D

13-01-10, 17:40
Lol......i know how weird! We was meant to meet hun xx

13-01-10, 17:46
Hello Carli,

Well, my goodness, my heart goes out to you:hugs:You are having one heck of a time at the moment. No wonder you feel so low. You've got so many things going on in your life. I think you're going to have to take it one step at a time. Financial worries can be overwhelming, they say money doesn't bring you happiness, and that's a fact, but it can sure as hell make you feel more relaxed and secure. Have you spoken to any financial advice places about this? What about Citizen's Advice? Try and get some help with this because it'll be a huge weight off your mind. The eyesight problem sounds like you are so worn out, that even your eyesight is affected. I experienced this many years ago. Only rest can help this. The incident re your son is one of many incidents that happen in the playground and if social services come to see you then I'm sure they'll realise it is completely innocent. I think it's just a case nowadays that they have to investigate these incidents. My friend's 9 year old was going about the playground with his friend pretending they were "gay"!!!! My friend was summoned to the headmaster's office, mortified. She was also told that a social worker would be visiting but she phoned social work and it wasn't taken any further. Hope this reassures you. Just try to take things one step at a time, follow Claire's advice, keep in touch with your doctor about your symptoms, and try and look after YOURSELF!!

13-01-10, 17:48
think your right!i like your message about setback,i felt it was for me since thats what i have felt anxious about this evening,i thought it was getting easier today i dont,spooky!!!!lol

13-01-10, 17:49
Thanks myra, i will take one step at a time and try to relax more. Im sure claires book will be a big help. xx

13-01-10, 17:51
think your right!i like your message about setback,i felt it was for me since thats what i have felt anxious about this evening,i thought it was getting easier today i dont,spooky!!!!lol

I know, is so overwhelming at times and hard to cope with. Somedays i think what on hell have i done to deserve all this :ohmy: Lets hope one day we can all just relax,lol xx

13-01-10, 17:59
do you sometimes feel worse when you know u have a lot to do,even if its just making tea,and homework,then you get on do it but it just feels too much other times you can take on anything i think that is tiredness i to have 4 kids , money probs,and got to see the education welfare officer on 21st coz daughter had too much time off,she has been ill though!!

13-01-10, 18:04
Yh...getting out of bed is sometimes to mush for me,lol. I often find that i get stressed out by doing simple things and then that annoys me more.....its like im going round in a circle. Welfare officers should understand if you explain it to them. I think sometimes other people add unessersary strees to our lives :mad: Just need to try and get back on track some how? Its weird though because some days i feel on top of the world, even though my HA is lingering and then other days i juat cant cope with it :wacko: Maybe one i will be able to make sense of it all,lol xx hwere are you from julia?

13-01-10, 18:17
bedfordshire,yes i wish i could make sense of it its weird one min i can be fine next i can feel tears behind eyes but not want to cry then i feel anxious about feeling that im not on meds and dont want to be where you fromx

13-01-10, 18:21
im from romford in essex, im not on meds nor do i want to be, i am waiting to see a counceller though so fingers crossed it wont be to long xx

13-01-10, 18:27
cant believe how alike we are im seeing a councillor tomorrow,lets both keep fingers crossed,some how we SHOULD both feel better knowing how similar things are ,i know i can beat this without meds its believing it all of the time thats the problem!!!

13-01-10, 18:28
Yes we are very similer,lol.....you can do it hun, just be open and honest with the councillor and things will progress from there. What are your concerns hun?

13-01-10, 18:32
do you ever worry about going mad,thinking too much cant think anymore ,or having nervous breakdown but also i get scared about feeling low if i feel a bit low i panic about depression even though always told by drs and nurses im def not got it almost like a phobia,so then i scare myself

13-01-10, 18:35
im always scared i will go mad.....have been for about 8yrs (scared that is)lol....and if i get the slightest itch, twinge pain tingle or ache then i go off on a mad panic and it does not matter what anyone sayd to me im convinced something really bad is going on?

13-01-10, 18:51
do you ever feel just low

13-01-10, 18:53
yes.....most of the time and sometimes i have nothing to worry about and that makes it more frustrating!!