View Full Version : Dizzy Days!

13-01-10, 00:16
Does anyone here experience days when they seem constantly dizzy/lightheaded. Not severly, just as though there 'not right'.

I've experienced this on and off since I had my first panic attack about 5 months ago. Since then I get times when I feel dizzy or lightheaded or even vertigo.

It's starting to really annoy me now. I'm not very active lately, but when I do have a busy day it starts off with dizzy spells and can either end in two ways, cutting the day short or putting up with it and eventually the dizziness subsides.

I've had a lot of tests done and the cause is still unknown.
Can this be a result of high anxiety?
I know dizziness can be a symptom but constant dizziness that can last days? It seems to go away when I'm sat down/lay down but when I get active it starts and I can't put it out of my mind.

Also, since my anxiety started I've noticed a high sensitivity to a lot of things. Like if I'm sat at a table and someone shakes it very slightly, to me it seems like an earthquake.

Anxiety? Or something else?

13-01-10, 01:11
I can SO relate to the dizziness thing! I woke up dizzy in the middle of the night on Christmas Eve and its been on and off ever since. Of course in my mind I've been through a whole list of possibilities most of them fatal. Then it wasn't until I had a proper talk with a friend I haven't seen in a while. Just talking through some things that have been niggling worries seemed to clear my head too.

Also, I think at times if you're really wound up you can tense up your neck muscles and clench your jaw without realising and this has a knock on effect.

13-01-10, 01:13
i have the constant dizziness been going on since i had my first panic attack 4 weeks ago. xx

13-01-10, 01:54
Also, since my anxiety started I've noticed a high sensitivity to a lot of things. Like if I'm sat at a table and someone shakes it very slightly, to me it seems like an earthquake.

Anxiety? Or something else?

i am now incredibly irritable like this . for example if someone drops something or makes a loud noise i will feel very nervous and jump right out of my skin and make the situation out to be a lot worse than it actually is . apparently this is just anxiety due to our nervous system being over worked - so our senses are on high alert and will over react to things that wouldn't normally bother us !:weep:
hang in there XX

13-01-10, 08:33
Yes, dizziness is defiitely a symptom of anxiety, as is high sensitivity to noise etc.

13-01-10, 09:16
Hello Ella jayne,
Yes i had lots of those light-headed days before i was diagnosed with depression, yes it's horrid isnt it. To sum it up it's like being drunk almost, but without the drink. It was like not being fully aware of all that's around you and going on. Yes i now what you mean about thinking it's other things too. Try not to worry though, (easier said than done i know). But the more i worried the worse things got. It's best to try and stay busy, that helped me a little.

13-01-10, 09:22
Can totally relate to the dizziness/lightheadedness, I get this most days. Sometimes to the point where i feel i'm going to black out which results in a full blown panic attack. I find if I keep myself busy I feel better as I'm not constantly thinking about it. It tends to occur more when I'm not doing anything.

It's another anxiety symptom......just one of many many symptoms that get thrown at us.

Take care

13-01-10, 09:28

Im having a few terrible lite headed days at the moment again. Sometimes i feel like im gonna pass out, its my worse anxiety symptom.

As for sensitivity to noise, i get this to, sometimes i think people are shouting but there not!

love mandie x

13-01-10, 09:28
me to its not dizy its like walking in one of those fun houses where everything moves only a little ,, wonder why anxiety causes this its a pain

13-01-10, 09:51
Mine is like more of an off balance feeling. A bit like you've just got off a boat. I really hate it and it frightens me so much. I've had it for ages. It comes most days at some time. Some days it's all day.
Certain noises really get to me too. A repetaitve noise drives me mad and for some really weird reason I can't stand hearing people whisper!!! Anyone else hate that? I think it's really strange.

13-01-10, 09:59
I've had that ever since my anxiety started when I was 15 and I'm now 54 and I still get days when I feel dizzy or like I am in a fog or something. I've just assumed after all these years that it must be anxiety and try and distract myself, but of course as we all know it's not always as easy as that :blush:

13-01-10, 11:55
Hey there,
yep me too, I have random dizzy days. Been going on for a couple of years on and off...I did once have vertigo and had to take tablets for that which helped, but now I just put it down to anxiety.

margaret jones
13-01-10, 13:08
I have had a really bad few days of dizzy and balance prob , anxiety or inner ear prob from sinus prob i dont know but fed up of it ,

Also the loud noise prob ,had the fan on over the cooker whilst boiling veg drove me mad steamed up kitchen was better than noise

Take Care Margaret:weep:

13-01-10, 15:28
yes me to, the dizzy off balance feeling,i get that alot,only yesterday, all day i had that feeling,i woke up feeling more on edge and anxious than usual,and as you say even a little noise becomes exagerated and sounds ear blasting.it is the anxiousness that causes it,and im well use that feeling,im up to a million all the time.i try to keep busy to distract me from it, but in my case it has to wear off,and it dose eventually,but not very nice all the same,it will come and go,its just 1 of many symptoms that anxiety bombards us with i hope you feel better soon honey.:hugs:xx.ELLEN.

13-01-10, 16:45
ive felt it since tht day i nrly passed out after blood tests. im sure its psychological.

13-01-10, 16:49
Hiya, sorry your feeling this way. I often get the dizzy-lightheadedness and it can be very alarming. I normally get it in the mornings when it come and then it will last for the whole day :ohmy: Hope you feel better soon. xx

13-01-10, 17:36
While I'm sad that you guys experience this too, it is very comforting to read this post. B/C most days I get the dizziness/off balance/walking on a boat sensation and it always sends me into a full panic. I'm scared, I've felt this way for it seems like my whole life but got really bad about 12 years ago and there are days that I just feel like I can't take it anymore. I want to feel nothing, I want to feel like "normal" non-anxious people feel, I don't want to run out of the room b/c I'm worried that something bad is going to happen to me, I don't want to be sitting at my computer and then all of a sudden get dizzy for no apparent reason, I don't want to feel like I'm constantly having to "check" my symptoms and feelings, but I do have to do all of those things and you guys make me feel like maybe I'm not going to die from this and like maybe there is hope b/c if all of us feel these same things, maybe it's not the end of the world (even though it sometimes feels like it). I just want my confidence back, it's been tried and tested so often with skipped heart beats and dizzy spells and being lightheaded and derealization/depersonalization...I want my life back and I know I'm not alone.

13-01-10, 22:49
me to especially if im concentrating on something like tv or driving it suddenly happens or if i get anxious i feel shaky and off balance and ears feel full at times i then feel more panicky visious cycle but makes it easier knowing not alone

14-01-10, 13:42
Me too....it is the worst symptom for me. It is hard to describe but as someone said, its almost like being drunk..I feel very spaced out and the world feels like it is not moving with me.

At first I thought it was sinus problems but after reading all of this I am coming to see it must be a symptom. Am at this moment listening to a CD by Claire Weeks