View Full Version : Twitching driving me mad

13-01-10, 06:39
Its 1:30 am here and I cannot sleep because I am having super strong twitches in my thumb and leg constantly. I am sure they are withdrawal related as I am still trying to wean off ativan and each time I take alittle less the twitches get worse. But typically there is also the side that worries it more. I am waiting on an MRI appt and it will be a couple months for that :(
Plus I found out that my gp has been sued twice. Once for misdiagnosing cancer for a boil and it ended up spreading everywhere for the person and they are lucky to be alive. So now I am doubting him very badly. I know that he has me on too many meds but he doesnt help at all. Cant see anyone else due to doctor shortages. I desperately want to just get things dealt with and feel well and have one day without worry.

agent orange
13-01-10, 07:22
If you are in doubt, then you should either change doctor if you can, as you will not feel happy and the situation may spiral out of control. I too twitch and have done for many many years, ever since my anxiety has been present. I would really put this down to either tiredness/anxiety related. This condition is very common in anxiety orientated people. I hope you can find some relief.

13-01-10, 17:50
thank you. It went on most of the night but is better at the moment. Its not an option to switch doctors until he retires because of the doctor shortage