View Full Version : Is medication the answer?

13-01-10, 10:29
Yesterday was just wack!
I woke up feeling very high anxiety levels..i can tell by the way i start snapping at people for no reason. Ive mentioned before about when i approach a red light when driving that i clam up and want to flee. But yesterday it was at EVERY traffic light and EVERY roundabout. It frustrates me so much as i dont want to stop driving due to this. I love getting in the car, but as soon as i get in a "trapped" position i panic. I havnt had a panic attack for almost 8 months now, so i cant say thats what im getting. But i think the thought of having one when im in the situation scares the hell out of me. So i automatically pull into someones drive-way, or up on the pavement, just so im not in the queue. As soon as it goes green i pull off. Ive been through 2 red lights up to now, as iv rushed to make it through green and it suddenly goes red. I dont want to lose my licince or put anyone else in danger. Thats why ive made a doctors appointment in 2 days time. And i hate doctors!! Thats how bad its gone. Do i go on medication? Im not so sure its the answer. They would probably prescribe me beta blockers like they did previously but i never took them, due the the side affects scaring the hell out of me. And not only that the side affects ie dizzyness, drowsiness are all the symptoms i want to get rid of already, let alone taking someting to give me these feelings. Any feedback but be appreciated.
Emma x

~Its not that people dont care-Its that they dont understand~

13-01-10, 10:30
Hi Oneday_Emma

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

13-01-10, 10:35
Hi Emma,

Medication can help you in the short term as it will reduce the worst symptoms but unless you address the anxiety itself, what's causing it and how to reduce it, you won't get to the root of your problem. Perhaps you might consider asking for a referral for CBT?

Would you take medication if it was prescribed to you, given that you didn't last time?

Help is out there but these are questions only you can answer.


13-01-10, 11:15
I know how your feeling...my anxiety is at its worse when i know i have to drive...i just hate it....its been especially bad during this bad weather...i have all the what ifs running through my head it drives me mad......the way i deal with it is by changing my thinking...i change the 'what ifs' to 'so whats'.......for example you approach the traffic lights at green and instantly start worrying that they go red....change your thinking to 'so what' if they turn red i will stop in time and nothing bad is going to come from that........it takes practice but you will over come it...remain calm and positive and tell yourself you can do it...when you acheive it for the first time your confidence will start to grow again....goodluck!!

13-01-10, 13:38
Hi Emma

Just wanted to say i feel exactly the same about the medication, i am really scared of the side effects..i don't want to feel worse. Supposing they don't work? Then if i have to try something else i feel like then i'm just gonna end up worse!
I was prescribed AD end of 2007. Eventually plucked up the courage to take one, then woke in the night having a massive panic attack, (which i hadn't had for months) then in the morning i couldn't even get out of bed to go to the toilet cos i felt so dizzy, i then had the worst panic attacks over & over & thought i was dying! I didn't take anymore...i felt i would rather live with what i have than going through that another day.
I don't know what to do...i'm fed up with my anxiety & feeling down now, but i'm scared of taking anything..i can't even take a painkiller stronger than paracetamol without getting dizzy which then makes me stress. I might ask to be referred for CBT first.
I know i've prob not helped with your worries, but posted this so you know there's someone else who's scared of the side effects. It would be nice to know if you decide to try medication.

13-01-10, 15:32
I think meds are used far too much, and the risk of the side effects are just not worth it.

I would use a non med approach first like hypnosis and meditation, these work wonders. Just do a search on youtube for some idea. Also proper breathing is very important slow deep breathing will make you feel so much better.

When your feeling anxious, ask your self whats the worst that can happen seriously? And then continue to say to your self in your mind...

I am calm

I am relaxed

I am confident

(and smile when you do this, really believe in these affirmations. your anxiety levels should start to drop)

I would also reccomend a few sessions with a qualified hypnothearpist, I was like that when driving, now I just feel very relaxed and not rushed.

Anxiety is hell, but you can get back to your normal self without taking meds!

Good Luck

16-01-10, 16:47
Just to let you know, i went to the doctors and he wanted me to start on anti-depresents. I declined this for now. Instead he suggested kalms (herbal).

17-01-10, 09:29
Hi I feel the same too on occasions whilst driving, at my worst can remember turning the car around and going home. Unfortunately they do issue anti depressants for anxiety - altho like u I am not depressed just anxious. I too was given beta blockers - after 2 weeks had to go on to antidepressants cos they lost the desired effect. Tried Citalopram and Prozac - both made me feel really ill, now on Lofemaprine which have given me a new lease of life. It is too easy to read the instruction book in the tabs to stop u from taking them - howeva sumtimes u just have to try. If u manage on the kalms then good for u - if u can avoid taking meds then all the betta - howeva if u still feel the same then go back and see your doc - I seemed to live inmy docs for the first few months of this anxiety. Also I am seeing a CBT counsellor - I declined this in the beg - but decided to give it a go I was that desperate - it does help !! Good luck.