View Full Version : Could MRI have missed something?

13-01-10, 10:41
I am 29 yr old male and for the last two months I've had headaches on most days and a lot of nights. They're not made worse by reading, using a computer, watching tv etc so are not likely eye related. They don't get worse after eating particular things so are not likely diet related. They seem to be made worse with certain head movements, exercise, singing and are worst when lying down at night and in the morning so are not likely tension related. I've seen two doctors both of whom checked my blood pressure which was normal and looked in my eyes for signs of pressure which were normal. I paid to have an MRI scan done privately which didn't show anything. However I'm still really worried as I was not given a contrast dye injection before the scan and have since found out that without this a tumor could go unnoticed, is this true?

13-01-10, 11:49
Hi there. I'm by no means an expert but my daughter had an MRI without contrast dye after a seizure and the consultant said afterwards that they could absolutely rule out a tumour or stroke.

It is also my understanding that a scan with dye is often only done after one without when they want to look more closely at something they have seen on the original