View Full Version : Please help ladies in a tizzle Boobs again!!

13-01-10, 11:01
Hello :)

The last 3 months has been all about breast worries.

3 months ago my left breast was hurting i had no lumps but went to the doctor who said your tissue is swollen slighty nothing to worry about etc.

Well 3 months of contstantly poking and prodding my breast tissue on my left breast only has become lumpy, i have a bump that has appeared on the outer part of my breast, its over the bone which i know you have on both sides but feels so thick and wasnt there when i checked 3 months ago!!

My mum has checked and said it feels like thickening and lumpy tissue, i wanted to ask can poking and prodding actually make your breasts lumpier?????

I have been to the doctor 3 times in total and each time they said i dont have a lump but my mum came with me last time to explain that even she could feel this bump on the side and my other half could feel it to.

The doctor said i know what im looking for its not a lump but its driving me nuts :(

Im pretty positive it wasnt there 3 months ago when this problem started and wondering if i could have possibly caused the thickening and swelling from constantly prodding??

Really wish i could get over this fear :(

any help would be appreciated thank you!! xxxx

13-01-10, 11:29
Hi Meg

The best thing might be to ask to be referred for an ultrasound scan. The monitor can see what's going on inside you so it will show up any lumps and cysts. That way you can have the assurance of seeing what's there or not there rather than having to take your doctor's word for it.

It only take a few minutes at the Breast Clinic.

13-01-10, 11:38
Hi Meg

I am going through similar problems. I found several lumps just before Christmas that have not disappeared with my cycle. I have had a lot of hormonal problems over the last few years which caused, amongst other things, me to produce milk for 2 years after I stopped breast feeding. The pill that I started on a couple on months ago stopped this and the doctor believes I have a milk duct cyst or blockage.

She has referred me for an ultrasound but said it will be several weeks as it is a non-urgent case. This has comforted me immensly as doctors don't muck around with this sort of thing.

I had a breast lump about 4 years ago that I had an ultrasound for then too. It is worth doing. Ask your doctor for a referral and try to stop prodding. I have been guilty of that too and it can make them really sore x

13-01-10, 11:57
Thanks for the replys :)

Well i have been to the doctors 3 times and they said they dont think its necessary for me to have a scan :(.

I am only 23 and have no history of breast cancer so they said no, if i went for the fourth time i would feel like such a nuisance! ( i hate going to the doctors)

I have considered paying for one privately but not sure how this works, i have the impression that you still need a referral to go private does anyone knows how this works?

Thanks :) xx

13-01-10, 12:40
Sorry, can't help with that one Meg, I was referred by my GP when I had boob problems.

I can see your your docs point of view - you are young and in a low risk group and have had several examinations. However I would have thought that their primary concern would be to put your mind at rest.

In the meantime make an agreement with yourself not to prod for a week and see if things improve.

13-01-10, 12:47
Thanks Brunette,

My mind telling me that i have made it swell from the poking and prodding as before i started there wasnt any lumps or bumps.

I just didnt know if poking would cause it to swell, i know your breast tissue is sensitive so it could possibly.

I hate health anxiety i have been here before over various different illnesses i think i have, maybe i need to leave it alone for a good month, 3 months of poking cant be good, trust the doctor and let go and if my tissue still feels the same then go back.


13-01-10, 13:19
Hello Meg,

Yes, you definitely can make your breasts lumpy and swollen from prodding and poking. My main worry has always been breast cancer, and in the past I have made my breasts lumpy and really sore. Breast tissue is quite delicate and with constant pressure being applied it is bound to cause aggravation, and probably some inflammation. I know it is difficult to stop poking; remind youself that each time you do it only causes unecessary problems, which further adds to your anxiety.

I am sure if you manage to leave it alone, you will find within a week it will settle down.

I hope you will be feeling less anxious soon. xx

13-01-10, 13:29
Not sure if this is what you have and only a gp can diagnose but, when I was younger, - teens and in my 20's - I had fibrocystic breast disease. I had them checked out because I always had lumpy sore boobs, and painful lumps in both armpits. It is completely harmless and not malignant. Certain times of the month make it worse than at other times.


The gp referred me on to a specialist and I was told that it was caused by my boobs being suscetible to my hormones. Some women get it and others don't. It is completely harmless. I still get it now, but not as much, as I have got older. It is less umpy, sore and painful.
I cut out drinking coffee and hardly have anything with caffeine in it because it makes it worse, and that is good for anxiety too.

If you are not happy with what the gp is telling you, then use your gut instinct if you feel something is wrong. Could you try another gp in the surgery. I am sure it is nothing but at least you will have a second opinion that can put your mind at ease.
All the best.

13-01-10, 14:17
Thank you so much for your help poppy and Rosie,

I cant trust me gut instincts poppy :( because of my anxiety i have believed and convinced myself i have had many illnesses!

Your post made me feel alot better Rosie, i didnt have any lumps or bumps before all the poking and prodding started, and they developed about a month or so in of my prodding so i probably am making my own problems!

It feels more like a swelling if i prod really hard where the swelling and thickness is there isnt a definate lump under it and i guess this is why the doctors cant feel it, i have been 3 times but to two different doctors at my surgery they have sooo many, so i will leave it a month NOT POKE!!!! and see if the swelling and thickness goes down, and if im still not happy i will go back for a 4th opinion lol.

Thank you to everyone who replied. xxx

13-01-10, 14:41
hi yes you can make your tissue inflamed by prodding and poking ive had one painful boob all month and the tissue seems firmer ive left it alone and it has subsided ive had it before and worried myself sick like i always do try not to worry and stop prodding

13-01-10, 15:58
Ask your doctor to send you for a mammogram. I really don't understand why he hasn't done this already. If you have a mammogram it will totally eliminate the possibility from your mind that you have anything serious. I wouldn't worry though because 90 percent of lumps in the breast are NOT cancer. I know it's hard to convince yourself of this because I have to constantly remind myself not to get alarmed about every little ache or pain.

15-01-10, 11:42
Hi....I just had to write a reply with regard to LADennis's advice........ you do not need a mammogram because at 23, your breasts are too dense to make a mammogram 'readable'........ at your age, an ultrasound would be the scan of choice - but by the sounds of it, you do not need that either....... I know it is soo so so hard, but try to trust your doctor....... hope you feel better soon....

15-01-10, 12:46
Thanks jojo i think your right! i am registered at a very good surgery and i have been 3 times to 2 different doctors, im sure they have felt alot of breasts in their time and know what to look for :).

I went once for a lump on my head and they send me for a ultrasound straight away! im sure they wont mess around with things like this.

thanks xxx