View Full Version : Heart Thumping

13-01-10, 15:29
I've had many symptoms over the 30 plus years that I've had anxiety, but to me this is a new one and I would really appreciate any advice.

I've often had a racing heart and also skipped beats, but for the last month I've really been aware of my heart thumping. It seems especially bad in the evening and at night. I can be sitting on the sofa quite relaxed and then I am aware of my heart beating quite hard and when I go to bed not only can I feel it in my chest but when I lie on my side it's in my ear too.

The only added stress I've had recently is that I'm having a lot of dental work done, but the irony is that even though I am anxious going to the dentist my heart doesn't seem to do that then, but it will thump when I am relaxed, which makes no sense to me.

Earlier today I was out the front clearing up the snow and when I came in I was really aware of it, probably more so than usual and it is worrying me.

I do have a GP appt for next week for my meds review and I will mention it then, but I always feel GP's see us as anxious ppl first and if a symptom can be dismissed by saying it's anxiety then that is what they will say.

13-01-10, 15:32
your gp might give you an ecg if not ask for one to put your mind at ease

13-01-10, 15:53
I did have an ECG about 2yrs ago when I went to A&E as I'd had a really bad panic attack. That came back fine and they said my oxygen levels were at 100%.

13-01-10, 15:55
yes but that was 2 years ago things change,the one thing it could be when our boddies warm up ,, it makes heart beat faster

13-01-10, 16:31
going through the same thing. its starting to fade for me now...it was keeping me awake at night and it was really scary, but it went away as im sure yours will :)

had 2 ecgs, both fine/normal.

13-01-10, 16:38
going through the same thing. its starting to fade for me now...it was keeping me awake at night and it was really scary, but it went away as im sure yours will :)

had 2 ecgs, both fine/normal.

Thanks for the reassurance, it certainly is a worry when it starts to do that out of the blue isn't it :ohmy:

13-01-10, 16:41
yeah, it was always worse at night for me too though. hradly there in the day, then at night it would just start. Id feel it in my stomach and neck as well as my chest! I got so worried..I started getting proper Palps then and flutters etc and was CONVINCED I had heart disease or some sinister problem. Ended up going to A&E..Of course I got the all clear...I have a tight chest/wheeze now, but all my herat symptoms have gone...I need to go bk to the doctors to explian my chest symptoms, but like you said I dont think the docs will take me seriously now.

13-01-10, 16:56
yeah, it was always worse at night for me too though. hradly there in the day, then at night it would just start. Id feel it in my stomach and neck as well as my chest! I got so worried..I started getting proper Palps then and flutters etc and was CONVINCED I had heart disease or some sinister problem. Ended up going to A&E..Of course I got the all clear...I have a tight chest/wheeze now, but all my herat symptoms have gone...I need to go bk to the doctors to explian my chest symptoms, but like you said I dont think the docs will take me seriously now.

It's this not being taken seriously that worries me. My niece, who doesn't suffer with anxiety, had a one off bout of palpitations last year and was so scared she rushed straight to A&E where she had an ECG that was fine. However her GP then referred her to a cardiologist and she had a 24hr ECG and eventually they said it was either stress or viral. Another friend of mine wakes up most nights with her heart thumping, she doesn't have anxiety either, and she's had tons of tests. It always leads me to think that when we go to see our GP they already have us labelled as having something anxiety related before we even walk in the door. Just my opinion of course :ohmy:

13-01-10, 17:53
hello Lynn,

The palpitation thing you mentioned about happening after the event, e.g. not happening when in the dentist chair, but afterwards, is what quite often happens to me. It's as though when you calm down all the adrenaline is still going round in your body and has to pick up on a particular symptom - and mines is missed beats. It never fails. They're harmless though, so don't worry.

18-01-10, 15:23
Do check out RLR's site. I love how he explains how and why this might happen


18-01-10, 16:02
Hey Lyn :)

I get that alot my friend, like I can feel my heart banging hard inside me and hear it in my ears and feel it in my neck.

Now how can I convince you it's just the anxiety ;)


Jaco xx

18-01-10, 16:38
i get this at night tooo grrr annoys me, make sure your well hydrated and try eating grapes heard there good for palps im sure if uve had and ecg then your hearts fine just mention it to your gp

18-01-10, 18:48
Thanks for all your help and a special thanks to my friend Jaco, very helpful and down to earth as usual. Typer thank you also for that link, I have joined and am just waiting for a verification email for that :)

Well I just got back from the GP as he wanted to see me for a medication review and I did mention the thumping heart. He did listen to my heart and said it was fine and is sure it's only anxiety and prescribed me a low dose of Propanolol again, although not sure if I will take it or not.

Apparently as I am on regular medication I also have to have some blood tests done, I think it's a full blood count, liver function and kidney function. The GP suggested I have an ECG at the surgery when I go for the blood tests, so I have an appointment for next week for that. Then I have another dental appointment the same day, lovely :scared15:

19-01-10, 08:12
im on propranolol 30 mg, really helps you wont feel your heart thump

19-01-10, 08:46
im on propranolol 30 mg, really helps you wont feel your heart thump

Thanks for that Emma, I think I've been prescribed 10mg to take either once or twice a day as needed. I'm still deliberating whether to try them or not as I already take two meds and don't want to start rattling :ohmy:

19-01-10, 10:15
i dont think ul even relise youve took them! are they fast acting ones? 10mg at about tea time or breakfeast will help you or take both at them times =]

19-01-10, 11:55
i dont think ul even relise youve took them! are they fast acting ones? 10mg at about tea time or breakfeast will help you or take both at them times =]

It doesn't say on the prescription Emma, just says 10mgs Propanolol Hydrochloride as far as I can recall :)

19-01-10, 19:50
Thanks for all your help and a special thanks to my friend Jaco, very helpful and down to earth as usual. Typer thank you also for that link, I have joined and am just waiting for a verification email for that :)

Well I just got back from the GP as he wanted to see me for a medication review and I did mention the thumping heart. He did listen to my heart and said it was fine and is sure it's only anxiety and prescribed me a low dose of Propanolol again, although not sure if I will take it or not.

Apparently as I am on regular medication I also have to have some blood tests done, I think it's a full blood count, liver function and kidney function. The GP suggested I have an ECG at the surgery when I go for the blood tests, so I have an appointment for next week for that. Then I have another dental appointment the same day, lovely :scared15:

Hi there. I see there is a problem with the verification emails and a news flash on the top of the forum says please re register.

27-01-10, 11:15
Well I went to the Dr's this morning and had my blood tests done, which wasn't too bad, although I always get very anxious about going to the Dr's first thing in the morning as my anxiety is always much worse then.

As for the ECG, well the nurse took ages to put the leads on and then she took the reading about 3 times as she said the machine was 'very sensitive'. I was actually starting to get quite panicky by then as I could see the print out and there were 4 lines, 3 of which all seemed the same but the 4th one seemed very different. I was then asked to wait while the nurse asked the Dr to look at the read out, but he was with a patient so I was just told to go and I would hear from them if there was a problem. So now of course I am just sitting here worried about what the result is or if I have to go and have it done again :mad: