View Full Version : I googled! Could do with some advice

13-01-10, 17:34
Hey all

Werll I have been suffering from the odd niggling pain in the upper right side under my rib for the past few weeks really. My ribs are sore to tyhe touch on both sides. I have been having a burning feeling in my tummy as well from time to time. The pain is not constant. And only comes on a few times a day.

I googled and worried myself I have all sorts of things such as Cholecystitis, gallbladder diease, liver problems :ohmy:

I did have a docs appointment for tonight but cancelled as thought that I would get away with not going. My HA has gone through the roof and I am now kicking muself as wish I had not cancelled.

Anyone experienced it?


13-01-10, 17:37
Hi emira.....if i have learned one thing then its to never ever goole, it will only make you feel worse. Try and make another apt with the dr and try and get to the bottom of it. Im sure its nothing to worry about and i hope yyou feel better soon :bighug1:

margaret jones
13-01-10, 17:44
Hi Ems no googling :weep: like carli says make another app and get it sorted
Take Care Margaret

13-01-10, 18:28

I have been having similiar problems lass, with pain after eating, pain across the lowe ribs, sensitive to touch, and it's either Liver, stomach, gallbladder, I'm pregnant (hope not at my age) or it could be my anxious mind susceptible to the rubbish you read on the net ;).

Just pop to the docs for total reassurance and don't google lass.

As for me? I have been talking about going back to the docs for 2 weeks and not done it yet, but that's a man thing ;)


Jaco xx

magpie girl
13-01-10, 20:45
Hi emira firstly naughty naughty for googling.Right i have this constantly ive had scans prodded and poked and im told mines IBS and acid due to the anxiety:mad::mad::mad:I find if i eat too much dairy and certain foods it triggers it off.Also i always get trapped wind under right rib because of the IBS.Have u tried taking something like gaviscon?????or zantac,it may be worth asking ur gp for something xxxxxxxx

15-01-10, 08:24

Thought I would place an update!

I went to my Doctors, and she is pretty sure the pain is muscular, and the twinges and the sore ribs are all to do with that.

Apparently my posture is appaling, I am stopping forward and she said I am incredibly tense. (I already knew that one)

I am going to try the Gaviscon, although its been Ok since I posted - bloody typical!

Thanks to you all, what on earth would I do without this board?
