View Full Version : I have stupidly googled but I'm certain of what it is now

13-01-10, 17:42
I know I've been on here and I'm always saying I'm having problems with my mouth to you well I now have, on the right side of my tongue, a small raised area and it looks slightly cut. I don't know.

But under it a couple of my tastebuds look black. They are tiny. But they won't brush off or anything. I know I shouldn't Google but it's confirmed what seems to be what I have.

I'm now in work absolutely terrified. I've made a Dental Appointment for Monday. I'm convinced it's the worst of the worst and to be honest I'm almost certain I have some form of illness.

I don't smoke or drink a lot and I have no idea what the hell it is and I'm sitting here in the dark panicked and needing my inhaler every few minutes.

No idea how I will deal with sleeping tonight. Or anything else for that matter.

13-01-10, 17:47
Hiya, sorry ur feeling anxious. A dr told me that you will hardley ever find anything positive on the internet as far as peoples storys go as people that are doing ok and get there problem dealt with dont write on the net as it would not make interesting reading? I think he is write as i have (on more then 10 occasions) googled mysefl into absolute fear. Try not to asume the worst hun and wait untill you se the dentist. Hope you feel better soon.:hugs:

13-01-10, 17:49
Hiya, sorry ur feeling anxious. A dr told me that you will hardley ever find anything positive on the internet as far as peoples storys go as people that are doing ok and get there problem dealt with dont write on the net as it would not make interesting reading? I think he is write as i have (on more then 10 occasions) googled mysefl into absolute fear. Try not to asume the worst hun and wait untill you se the dentist. Hope you feel better soon.:hugs:

Thanks but what I saw online is the same as I have and it doesn't seem good at all.

All I have are mouth issues. Red patch on tongue, constant ulcers and blisters and the sides of my tongue always seems to be coming out in some form of spots or lumps.

It's one of these ones where I pretty much know now I have some serious mouth issue and I'm not even going to sleep anymore til Monday

13-01-10, 17:54
I can see what you mean but stress can also cause these things. Having HA can make you feel this way. I had all the symptoms for bowel cancer, had blood tests, scans, even a colonosopy and all came back clear!! I had the same with my kidneys, breast, brain and skin and every test came back clear. Its amazing what fear can do. Im sure you will be fine xx

13-01-10, 18:00
I can see what you mean but stress can also cause these things. Having HA can make you feel this way. I had all the symptoms for bowel cancer, had blood tests, scans, even a colonosopy and all came back clear!! I had the same with my kidneys, breast, brain and skin and every test came back clear. Its amazing what fear can do. Im sure you will be fine xx

I am glad you are ok Carli.

It's just, what else could cause small, tiny black dots on the side of my tongue. I check there a lot. I have not had them before. When I looked online the causes for them pretty much killed me and sent me into using my Inhaler for 10 puffs.

Stress can't make your tongue get bumps/spots and discoloured dots.

Nothing can to be honest except from the major illnesses.

I've resigned myself now into the mindset that that's that now.

13-01-10, 18:05
I assume whilst you were googling and found whatever you think it is, you read about treatments/cures etc?

I am sure the website didn't just say that you would die of this with no hope at all.

13-01-10, 18:08
I assume whilst you were googling and found whatever you think it is, you read about treatments/cures etc?

I am sure the website didn't just say that you would die of this with no hope at all.

I didn't get that far. I just looked at the pictures and what it said it was, and just shut down the browser. I don't want to go and look at it again.

13-01-10, 18:09
I am glad you are ok Carli.

It's just, what else could cause small, tiny black dots on the side of my tongue. I check there a lot. I have not had them before. When I looked online the causes for them pretty much killed me and sent me into using my Inhaler for 10 puffs.

Stress can't make your tongue get bumps/spots and discoloured dots.

Nothing can to be honest except from the major illnesses.

I've resigned myself now into the mindset that that's that now.

Black dots....well i know a little about those because my husband gets them from time to time....do you smoke hun?.....only reason i ask is because the dr told him that he gets these black dots from a yeast infection and smoking aggrivates it!!!! And the little bumps i have and have had for about 5yrs, there first appeared when my ferriton levels was low and can be a sign of dehydration?....hope this helps you a bit hun xx

13-01-10, 18:11
Black dots....well i know a little about those because my husband gets them from time to time....do you smoke hun?.....only reason i ask is because the dr told him that he gets these black dots from a yeast infection and smoking aggrivates it!!!! And the little bumps i have and have had for about 5yrs, there first appeared when my ferriton levels was low and can be a sign of dehydration?....hope this helps you a bit hun xx

I don't smoke, no. Only "dabbled" with it but it was 10 years ago.

I am only 24 and I've had this HA for a year and a half and when I didn't have it I wouldn't have noticed small things like this.

I guess I can only wait til the Dentist confirms it and then tell you what I'm expecting he'll say

13-01-10, 18:14
im sure it will be ok hun, i know things always seem worse when your actually going through a HA issue...at the mo im convinced i have ms!!!! Its a nightmare isnt it. xx

13-01-10, 18:15
Ok well I think you need to look at this objectively.

I am guessing you think it is cancer and have already decided that it would be terminal.

If you do google then you need to see the whole picture of things and not just the bad side of things.

Wait until you see the dentist before jumping to any conclusions.

I have a lump on the roof of my mouth and the dentist has referred me to the hospital to get it looked at. I have not googled though as there is no point until I know what it is. I have the appointment in 3 weeks time but I am not going to make myself ill between now and then worrying as it is most likely nothing.

Please try and calm down and realise that it could still be nothing.

13-01-10, 18:24
I don't smoke, no. Only "dabbled" with it but it was 10 years ago.

I am only 24 and I've had this HA for a year and a half and when I didn't have it I wouldn't have noticed small things like this.

I guess I can only wait til the Dentist confirms it and then tell you what I'm expecting he'll say

I have had a little look and ca see nothing harmful hun..here is one statment.

In simple terms black spots on the tongue is a simple pigmentation, in other words the tongue it is simply coloured for reason that can't be explained yet...Black spots on the tongue are common in coloured people but has no effect on ones taste and or other capabilities through the use of there tongue thus being harmless however a condition known as hairy tongue is an illness of which comes from taking certain medications such as antibiotics, from smoking and from vitamin deficiency.

13-01-10, 20:53
I'm guessing you're worried about the big C too.

I read a sign about mouth cancer in my dentists the other day while I was there for a checkup.

I'd been getting red blood spots in my mouth so it caught my attention. Turns out the ones to worry about are white lumps according to what I was reading.

Dark/blood spots in your mouth can be caused my a low platelet count in your blood. Nothing serious to worry about.

Obviously the qualified professionals will be able to confirm what it is.

Finally, please DON'T visit Dr. Google. You'll only ever find the worst case scenario and never the millions upon millions of accounts of non-serious illnesses where the symptoms are the same as the serious ones.

Hope this helps!