View Full Version : Excitement or Anxiety??

Canada Girl
19-12-05, 16:46
OK - I've been so amazingly great for 2 whole weeks - I really felt I've turned the corner. But......just today my throat is really acting up and I feel really panicky like I want to run away and cry. I know I can't 'cause I'm at work but I have this big sense of overwhelment right now. I don't know if I'm excited about an upcoming trip to Jamaica on December or just overwhelmed about Christmas in general. I have globus hystericus and it just feels like a huge lump sitting there - like I need to cry hard. I really hope this is a little blip because I have this overwhelming desire to run to the Dr.'s and I know I'll get no sympathy from her at all. Meg/Nic - words of support are needed BIG TIME :(

19-12-05, 17:11
How fabulous that you've been so well so such a good period of time....well done

This sounds like a nervous tickle pre Christmas and pre holiday. Ignore it , eat well, exercise well and rest well and carry on regardless.

Have a good cry too- watch any Xmas movie if you need an extra nudge and let it all out and you'll feel instantly better.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

polly a
19-12-05, 17:15
hi there love ,sorry to hear your not too good,i always get worse leading up to an avent,but once its actually there and im in the siuation it seems fine,just try to relax as much as you can,and have a lovely holiday,good luck pollyxx

p appleyard

Canada Girl
20-12-05, 15:59
Feeling much better today - although I am a wee bit achy. Perhaps this is part of the anxiety letting itself out of my body?? Again I will try to focus on postive things and try not to dwell on any negatives. I will admit though it is really hard to believe that you are healthy when all these aches and funny symptoms show up. Thanks for the support :)

20-12-05, 16:09
They are not symptoms - merely sensations that you are adding thoughts to to convert them to symptoms of something


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

Canada Girl
21-12-05, 13:24
I'm going out on a big limb here and risking coming across as really dumb but here goes - Meg, you say a symptom and sensation are different but doesn't a sensation define a symptom?? IE - my foot is asleep and is all pins & needles (sensation) and that could mean lack of circulation (symptom)?? I'm trying to understand what I'm feeling and now I'm feeling a wee bit confused. Let me rephrase - I know what Im feeling but just don't know when it can be attributed to something or am I safe to assume it will always be anxiety related. This is all so new to me so I am really naive when it comes to all the terminology. I will say I find it so unreal you can feel great and next thing change again (for no apparent reason) and then feel bad again. The extreme ups and downs remind me of hitting puberty :)

21-12-05, 19:10
A sensation remains a sensation until you give it a disease to make it a symptom of and by doing so start off a worrying thought pattern that can lead to anxiety.

So pins and needles in your foot is just a sensation of pins and needles and of no consequence until you decide that its not just as simple as that and attribute it to being a symptom of poor circulation which may then turn into being a symptom of ischaemia if you let it escalate in your mind.

Often anxiety people are prone to be far too quick to self diagnose and decide that what is really a casual transient sensation is now definately cancer or xyz.

Observe and notice individual sensations but try not to label yourself with anything too quickly as its more often than not some dreadful lurgy in your mind that you'll pick to dwell on.

So in puberty you had to accept that some things just were odd inside you and were still ok - this is often the case during your whole life until they are diagnosed by a medic as being part of a full clinical picture of a disease or illness.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?