View Full Version : Back to square one any advice please

13-01-10, 19:17
I could really do with some advice at moment, i have suffered with HA for quite a few years, and had 18 months of seeing counsellor which ended last September, and i managed to be able to live with HA never it never went away completetly but i could manage it and i slowly got my confidence back in going out etc, but new years eve i started to feel really sick and unwell on standing up next think i new i was on the floor i had passed out, i did not even feel dizzy , had big bump on head so went to casualty where they examined me and game me ecg and said it was because in standing up to quick my blood pressure had plumeted so that resulted in me passing out
The problem is i have gone right back to square one i am terrified it is going to happen again and i keep feeling sick i am frightened to be on my own, or go out on my own , i went to doctors and she gave me some tablets to help me stop feeling sick. but i feel so down about the whole thing , and i i do is worry about being ill and if they have missed something
Sorry i have gone on but i cannot put this behind me :weep:

13-01-10, 20:00
Hi there,

I am sorry to hear you feel you are back to the start again. I know the feeling of this too, I saw a CBT rather than a counsellor but I too felt I could take on my anxiety when my sessions had stopped, and I did for a good few months, then for some reason I too have started to slide back toO how I felt before I saw him.

I feel angry with myself for allowing this to happen and at a total lose as to why, but I am determined to fight it this time. We both know that there is nothing wrong with us as for the time that we saw help we were as you say able to control it, so we musnt forget that and we must try and find it in ourselves to pratice what they taught us.

If you are still finding it hard perhaps go back to the doctors and see if you can getting any top up sessions with someone, just to help you get back on track.

But you know you are ok, what has happened to you will obviously knock your anxiety but you KNOW THERE IS NOTHING WRONG, you have proved to yourself before this, so try and fight it.

Hope this has helped a little bit, always here if you need a chat.

Rachel x