View Full Version : Blood clots - again

13-01-10, 20:00
I really wish this fixation would stop :weep:

It is constant and I am still struggling to deal with it. Doesn't help that I have a bad cold at the moment and generally feel really achy and have random head and neck pains.

Could anyone tell me risk factors for blood clots before I google them? I am on no meds, don't smoke except for a few very rarely when out on a night out. I am not on the pill. I am overweight.

13-01-10, 20:32

I know exactly how you feel. I also have a fixation with clots.

To develop DVT in your legs or arms, you would have swelling in the affected area, redness, warmth and it would be very tender to touch. The clot can then move to areas like lungs and so on (they don't start in these areas, they travel from limbs and possibly abdomen) Usually if this happens, these symptoms are severe. Risk factors are, if you've just had surgery, had a baby very recently, if you've had DVT before, if you've been on a very long journey without much movement.

I can't really think of any other risk factors. They are very uncommon among young people. I don't think being overweight is a risk factor, possibly in extreme cases like if you were very very obese.

Whatever you do DON'T google it. This is where I went wrong. You'll convince yourself you have one when you don't. Try to take your mind off it. Have a bath, read a book. And if you haven't done so already, then go to your doctor and get some reasurance.

Hope you feel better soon. You're not alone.


13-01-10, 20:39
My fixation is so strong that a pain in my neck is a blood clot on its way to my brain.

I am very overweight but physically fit enough to do whatever I want if that makes sense. I have a young daughter but but none of the other bits apply.

I think I will go to my doctor. I need to kick this health anxiety and have managed to get better before but always hits hardest when I am low and this is really distressing me. I wish I could just kick this fixation :(

Thank you for your reply

14-01-10, 03:13
risk factors are recent surgery(lasting over an hour or any bone surgery) period of inactivity, recent travel where you were seated for long time, cancer, bill control and smoking, blood disorders that cause blood to clot irregular. The odd time I really hard hit to the leg can cause one to form.
I am completely fixated and have been since I had a hysterectomy in October. I feel I was too inactive afterwards and get pains in my legs. Been to the ER 4 times for it and had bloodwork but I still want a scan so I can stop freakin out. I measure my legs, check for pulses in my feet and under my knees. It is horrible. I am 33 and not overweight, not a smoker, no pill, but because of that surgery I have been sooooo scared. I completely understand your fear, I have posted my fears about them in the past couple days as well.

14-01-10, 03:16
I do not want to freak you out but want you to know that there are times when no swelling is present and the pain is not very bad. Also a 33 year old I went to school with just had one with no symptoms till it hit his lung. There are sometimes that you cant just take things lightly.

Vanilla Sky
14-01-10, 09:35
It really is just a fixation, When we have health anxiety this is what we do it's all part of it . I have had fixations about loads of things but the heart seems to be my main one at present. Every twinge i get is " it " this time ! And because we are so focused on one particular thing , we WILL feel every little thing , it gets magnified. You have got to change your thinking . First , tell yourself that you have had this so many times , if it was going to happen it would have by now, then realise thats it is just fixation and when it is happening , distract yourself, do anything just get away from it , after all it is your anxiety wanting to be fed , and boy are we good at that ! my thing about my heart seems to be getting better now, you have to work on it and it will get less and less ,, good luck ,, Paige x

14-01-10, 09:39
Alison you would know about it if you had a blood clot,believe me i have had one,the blood tests would have shown if you had one x

14-01-10, 12:11
My fixation is so strong that a pain in my neck is a blood clot on its way to my brain.

I had this fixation all through my teenage years...I am now 41 and fine. The brain is a very powerful organ, it can convince you that any little twinge and pain is something sinister. You'll be ok ! Honesty ! My advice would be to not google them.....it'll only feed your anxiety as I know that I could convince myself of anything if I read about it.

14-01-10, 21:06
I do not want to freak you out but want you to know that there are times when no swelling is present and the pain is not very bad. Also a 33 year old I went to school with just had one with no symptoms till it hit his lung. There are sometimes that you cant just take things lightly.

Did your friend have any of the risk factors, you know, like did he have an operation or anything like that?

14-01-10, 21:08
Does anyone know how long it usually takes a clot to form? I had a blood test done a few weeks ago which tested for clots, it came back fine but now I think I could have developed one since then... Is it possible?

14-01-10, 21:38
Ella jayne,what makes u think you have blood clots?have you had symptoms?as for the blood test to see if you have one it will be right, it will have been able to show if you have one.

14-01-10, 22:00
Alison that did manage to completely freak me out.

I am still seriously panicking about it and every twinge in my neck in particular is a clot and I feel the cold panic starting. Pins and needles, like a shower over me and everything goes fuzzy :(

14-01-10, 23:14
He had been in the hospital for a few days a week before. He had zero symptoms in his legs, when it hit his lung he had pain and went to the ER but it was too late. I know its our fixation but at the same time if anyone truly has pain or risk factors it is better to get looked at

14-01-10, 23:26
Ella jayne,what makes u think you have blood clots?have you had symptoms?as for the blood test to see if you have one it will be right, it will have been able to show if you have one.

I don't have any symptoms in my legs or anything but my chest feels tight at times (cold be anxiety) and I get these rush's going from my head to my chest (could be panic/anxiety) and I then think it's a clot moving or something. I heard also that DVT symptoms in legs and arms etc may not be present before the clot moves. It freaks me out.

Surely the blood test I had a few weeks ago means I'm clear??? Or could one have developed since??? Oh I don't know anymore... :weep:

14-01-10, 23:27
He had been in the hospital for a few days a week before. He had zero symptoms in his legs, when it hit his lung he had pain and went to the ER but it was too late. I know its our fixation but at the same time if anyone truly has pain or risk factors it is better to get looked at

:ohmy:What was he in hospital for? An operation? Sorry for asking so many questions, just my anxious mind.:blush:

14-01-10, 23:28
Alison that did manage to completely freak me out.

I am still seriously panicking about it and every twinge in my neck in particular is a clot and I feel the cold panic starting. Pins and needles, like a shower over me and everything goes fuzzy :(

I'm the exact same. It's completely freaked me out!!!:ohmy:

14-01-10, 23:37
I've known 2 people with clots...both had surgery beforehand...both ended up with pulmonary embolism and both lived.

There would be a lot more going on with you if you had it in your head or lung. And it wouldn't be pins and needles.

14-01-10, 23:40
they thought he had ulcers and were doing a scope

14-01-10, 23:44
I am not at all trying to freak you out! I just think that when people say you would know for sure if you had one that isnt always the cause. Anx mum did not think her leg was swollen but it turned out it was, but also wasnt a clot. My point is basically if you have symptoms(I have no idea about feeling anything in the neck, never heard of that actually) that people here are not doctors and cannot tell you if you do or dont have something. If you are having symptoms and you dont feel it is anxiety related see a doc.

14-01-10, 23:57
I know your not trying to freak anyone out. And I agree, if you think your symptoms aren't anxiety related then yeah, go to see your GP. But in my case, I've been to the hospital/GP a lot of times for blood tests, echo's, ECG's, chest x-rays and so on. If I go back again he'll just be like 'What now', I was only there a couple of weeks ago and he said my bloods came back fine. Doesn't stop me thinking I've developed a clot since though... :shrug:

It just makes me worried when I hear that you can have them and not know about them until it's too late. Scares the life out of me.

15-01-10, 01:00
Thing is we could also get hit by a bus, although its hard, it is important not to dwell on things we have no control over.

15-01-10, 07:46
I have got depression and anxiety all triggered from a bad year i have had cus of having a clot in my groin,i have found out now that i have a blood clotting disorder,and theirs a chance i will have another clot.But i cant let it take over my life and keep thinking what if!like alison says we cant dwell on things we have no control over.

15-01-10, 08:19
Hi guys

I just wanted to share my story. Blood clots have been one of my biggest biggest fears.

I suffer with very achey legs and especially calves, and have done for years. I have had the D Dimer test done a couple of times, last one was about a month ago I think as my anxiety got so bad I took myself off to A & E.

I know we can never be 100% sure and thats the thing that gets us Health Anxiety bods, and like someone said before, we are always looking for the next thing wrong with our body aren't we. So atuned to every single feeling.

I have had the fear of blood clots for about - 15 years, I am now 31. How scary is that.

In that time I have been to A & E numerous times, the Doctor hundreds! :winks:have had D Dimers, as I said before, and had the dye test where they inject dye into your veins. Had my leg measured, prodded. Never had a clot.

I would say go to your doctor, be honest about your fears (thats what I did). Try not to worry to much, have a go at swimming if you can, thats what I do when I am achey. Remember how much we tense up our bodies when stressed and anxious, I am like one big ball of pain!
I can understand that scared you reading Alison (?) account of what happened to a friend. but PE's are rare, and PE's rarely kill. So try and remember that.

If you want to PM me go ahead. Ask any of the fellow mods on here, and they will tell you I am the Queen of worrying about blood clots. I have had to be talked down a few times by some of them!

Big hugs

15-01-10, 09:11
Can you pm me Emira as you seem to have a good way of dealing with it compared to me.

I am sat here with a pain in my head, really thirsty, tired, achy and every pain still makes me think blood clot. I know the other symptoms are likely caused by my coldn virus or anxiety but doesn't stop me worrying about them.

I am desperately trying to avoid going to the doctor and even more desperately trying to avoid taking any medication.

15-01-10, 09:47
I have pm'd you scorpion


15-01-10, 15:51
Ella I can completely relate to what you are feeling. I have been convinced pretty much every day for the last 2 years that I have DVT / PE. I also have been to the Doc /A&E numerous times, ECG's, D-Dimers, Ultrasounds on legs - all came back normal. But like you I am convinced that I developed one after all the tests were dont, then would repeatedly go back for more testing.

I can remember when my fear started. I was 30 weeks pregnant with my little boy who is now 2. I went in for a regular check up and told them that I was a little short of breath (which apparantly is normal in pregnancy but as I had never been pregnant before I didnt know this). Anyway, they tested my oxygen sats and then admitted me right away saying that I had a PE. They put me through loads of tests, has chest mri thing, leg ultrasound, heart ultrasounds, ecg, was given Clexane injections. 3 days later they turned round to me and said we are very sorry Miss Fordham we made a mistake, we accidently wrote your pulse rate (around 80) as your oxygen sats and visa versa!!

I was sent home with no further explanation or reassurance. I then spent the rest of pregnancy in sheer panic at every pain I got, thinking I was going to die. I was seriously depressed after the birth and was convinced I had dvt all the time to the point I was too scared to get of my house.

2 years on and I am still so scared of getting a dvt - I am now 15 weeks pregnant and have started worrying constantly that this time it will get me! I have had bad leg pain for the last 2 days, started out feeling like a tight muscle now is dull ache in calf, ankle, shin all around really - I am sure it is nothing, and again had D dimer in Dec which was neg, but still cant calm down.

It's horrible feeling like this

16-01-10, 00:33
Ella I can completely relate to what you are feeling. I have been convinced pretty much every day for the last 2 years that I have DVT / PE. I also have been to the Doc /A&E numerous times, ECG's, D-Dimers, Ultrasounds on legs - all came back normal. But like you I am convinced that I developed one after all the tests were dont, then would repeatedly go back for more testing.

I can remember when my fear started. I was 30 weeks pregnant with my little boy who is now 2. I went in for a regular check up and told them that I was a little short of breath (which apparantly is normal in pregnancy but as I had never been pregnant before I didnt know this). Anyway, they tested my oxygen sats and then admitted me right away saying that I had a PE. They put me through loads of tests, has chest mri thing, leg ultrasound, heart ultrasounds, ecg, was given Clexane injections. 3 days later they turned round to me and said we are very sorry Miss Fordham we made a mistake, we accidently wrote your pulse rate (around 80) as your oxygen sats and visa versa!!

I was sent home with no further explanation or reassurance. I then spent the rest of pregnancy in sheer panic at every pain I got, thinking I was going to die. I was seriously depressed after the birth and was convinced I had dvt all the time to the point I was too scared to get of my house.

2 years on and I am still so scared of getting a dvt - I am now 15 weeks pregnant and have started worrying constantly that this time it will get me! I have had bad leg pain for the last 2 days, started out feeling like a tight muscle now is dull ache in calf, ankle, shin all around really - I am sure it is nothing, and again had D dimer in Dec which was neg, but still cant calm down.

It's horrible feeling like this


I am shocked! :ohmy:
I can't believe they put you through all that when you were actually fit and well!! No wonder you have anxiety about DVT after all that, I think that would send anyone into a panic!!:scared11: Congratulations on your pregnancy by the way. I'm sure your pain isn't DVT related, D dimers are very accurate. It's really hard to shake off the catastrophic thoughts though isn't it?

I went to my GP today to talk to him about clots and so on, he did a few minor examinations and basically just put my mind at rest... for now anyway :blush:

I hope you have a stress free pregnancy this time around, please don't worry about your leg, you'll be fine. :)

16-01-10, 21:09
Can I just add that PE and DVT do not mean instant death, most people recover with treatment. My Dad recently had a huge DVT in his leg, he didn't acknowledge the symptoms he had for weeks ! When they eventually diagnosed, it was really obvious before they even did the scan from the physical symptoms, he was treated immediately with some injection or other for 5 days (sorry can't recall the name of it !) and started warfarin...all done at home, no admission to hospital or anything. When he expressed his fear about part of the DVT breaking off and causing PE he was told that it was 'incredibly unlikely' and that he would have some warning....a bit of breathlessness and chest pain. Then they could deal with that IF it ever happened...which it did not ! We are now a couple of months down the line and the DVT has dissolved into his blood stream.

The doctors and nurse who scanned him were so matter of fact, and just said 'Oh yeah you've got a massive DVT, we will just blast that out with warfarin'. It is clearly something that they treat people for often - infact SO often that he was sent home with a 'self injecting' pack from the hospital, inclduing an instructional DVD :roflmao: and all the phials and needles he needed - including a little 'sharps' box to put them into afterwards. I tell you all this, to show that even in the unlikely event that you did ever have a DVT or PE it can be cured. Someone at my work went in for routine 'work health test' and after some questioning they did a scan and found he had about 5 small blood clots in various locations in the chest and 2 PE. He was still working and was successfully treated ! Dying from blood clots is extremely rare, much more rare than dying of the flu or malaria and other assorted illnesses.

I know how scary the idea of any blood clot can be - it was one of my 'pet fears' as a late teenager as part of my morbidphobia. It was the fact that it could not be seen and it could be too late to save me once it arrived at it's destination ! Interestingly, all these fears for me disappeared after I was 30 and for around 12 years (after having post-natal psychosis) I've not been to the doctor more than 2 or 3 times. I am almost the other way now and don't go there when I should be going there !!!

An anxious person is so overly-sensitised that every twinge and teeny physical niggle can be turned into a serious physical illness. As someone said above, only a medic can test and diagnose, but if you have been given the 'all clear' and had various tests done then relax and put the neck pain down to tension.

18-01-10, 08:20
Carys that was probably the most reassuring post I have read. Thank you x

18-01-10, 18:21
OH gosh, thanks. :blush: