View Full Version : Back pain, sciatica?

13-01-10, 20:14
The last couple of weeks I have had a bad back, it suddenly feels like it will sieze up, knd of twinges like a pull that goes across the lower part of my back, really low down, I guess that could be sciatic area? really low, kind of just above my bum, and under kidney area. I have had sciatica pain before but usually in the buttock and down my legs, I don't have that, it is just in my lower back.

I have done loads of bending today with builing the snowman, snowball fights and cleaning. Why am I getting this, Im bloody 30 not 80???!!!!!!!!! IT started after the pregnancy so I put it down to hormone changes, as your muscles become more supple when pregnant (I was only pregnant until 6 weeks so not a full term pregnancy or anything), but god it's got worse. It seems to come on around teatime every day. I don't even have to be bending when it strikes, i can just be walking or standing. It really does just suddenly strain and pull right across my lower back:-( Just now I nipped to the loo and as soon as I sat down it struck, and twinged across my lower back:mad: Anyone else get this type of back pain?

I am sat in bed wiht a hot water bottle on it, not sure if it will help. It doesn't hurt now, but I am aware of it being there niggling, ready to strick if I get up out of bed, lol!

I also have a really sore left hip, just in one place , had it a week now, if my arms brushes against my hip it really hurts, feels like a bruise but no bruise has appeared?? just on the hip bone, ouch!! Its about a 10p size area, maybe a tad bigger, but it I noticed it last friday when my hand brushed on my hip, and it's got no better. I am falling apart:blush:

14-01-10, 00:50
Hi there, Im troubled with sciatica too. It can effect your back, buttock, legs and foot. With me it the top of my right buttock. It can sorta lock me in a poisition if I bend forward and if I lie on a hard flat surface I have to roll over to get up again, its quite depressing at 24 yrs old lol. Sometimes I do sorta feel it twinging even when Im walking along normally too. I usually just massage the area and it dies down a wee bit. Ive never actually had anything done about it because its not been hat bad but Im sure you could ask the doc for some advice. I think things like massage therapy are supposed to help.


14-01-10, 11:51
Hi there,
Ive had trouble with Sciatica too...I have it on the left side of my lower back the pain goes straight down over left buttock and my left leg...I looked up some exercises on the internet and have done a couple of simple stretches that have helped it immensely. Sometimes back pain can effect the hip and the knee too.

14-01-10, 12:01
Very painful isn't it. I found heat helped last night and today it has gone, but it will be back again tonight no doubt.
