View Full Version : 4 weeks and no particular sign of improvement?! =/

13-01-10, 20:23

I have been taking this medication for 4 weeks now, the side effects dont seem to be too much of a problem and of recent i dont particularly notice any except maybe dry mouth, still waking early in morning, sexual dysfunction! I also cant really be bothered to do anything I would rather just stay in play games all day (which i need to cut out as its just becoming an addiction or escapism)!

I am still on xmas holiday from uni and dont go back until february!
At the minute I find the most help is just staying in doing nothing and not having any work/pressure etc, but i also just want this to pass and lead a more enjoyable life! I feel everyone has alterer motives in what they say and just want to use you for there self being! it creates this wall or barrier thats invisible but feels very real!

anyway, has anyone found this medication has taken longer to kick in than four weeks??? please get back to me as i find it hard to come across people who it does take longer for and Its getting very frustrating!!!

J =]

13-01-10, 22:09
I'm on a similar medication to you and it definitely took longer than a month to feel any noticeable benefits. These meds take a long time to work sometimes and you just have to be patient for a few more weeks. If it hasn't helped by then, you should go back to your GP and he/she may increase the dose or try you on another antidepressant.

Hope you start to feel better soon.

13-01-10, 22:12
The docs told me I had to given medication at least 6 months for full effect.

As it happens they never helped me anyway but I do think it takes time.

13-01-10, 22:17
Hi mate, sent you a PM but just to help other cit users, if you've been taking cit for 4-6 weeks without much improvement, I recommend asking about increasing the dose slightly. It's not always possible to find the right dose straight away. Also try other therapies like counselling at the same time.

13-01-10, 22:29
hi, meds can take awhile to get through the system,ssri,s take longer,have you tried any other drug,you may need to try another as some drugs work for others but not you.I tried several till i found one that is right for me............it is trial and error. Doctors are paid by big drug companies to push new drugs,so you tell them that you are not getting any benefit from what you are taking,don't be afraid to speak.I used to be scared to tell them that the meds were not working,but now i tell them.I have suffered panic and anxiety for years,and now with the help of what i call mothers little helpers have more confidence,to speak up.........You will be Ok:D

13-01-10, 22:49
Thanks guys these comments are great, at least to reassure me whilst I wait for the meds to kick in!

Psycho-Poet I read your message. I have my third therapy session tomorrow and its the first since i have started the meds so hopefully this will help!

I think at 6-8 weeks if I go back to uni with the pressures that intensified it when it was at its worst that will show the true effect of the meds. I started meds the beginning of the holidays! If they show not to be working I will take the doctors advice to try a new med or try a different one!

This is my first medication ever btw, cant remember who asked while I type this but for your info haha! =]

If anyone else has advice or experiences similar to mine please post up would be great to know!!

J =]

17-01-10, 18:41
Ive been on them about 4 weeks too and havent felt much different my doc gave me enough for another month and said if it wasnt better by then she might change it, i go back to uni on wed and im quite nervous about how im going to cope:weep:

17-01-10, 19:16
Got to give the Citalopram at least 6-8 weeks to get into your system fully, before deciding to try something else. As much of a pain in the arse as it is, you have to stay with it.

17-01-10, 20:01
I'm the same, been taking them for 6 weeks now and don't feel much different, my life has been different in the last six weeks thought because I've been off uni so I maybe I'll notice a difference when I go back tomorrow.

Maybe it's the same with you? You might notice some difference when you go back to uni? Also perhaps wait it out a bit more than 4 weeks.

18-01-10, 20:36
hope both you guys goin back to uni do alright!! am in the same position tho gota go to amderdam for a week which is gan be intense! meh couple of friends on the trip know ma mood so hopefully just get by, kinda given up to the fact these people at uni are only in my life for these years an so be it i dont make friends etc etc i can start a fresh when hopefully this has passed over! comin up to 5 weeks now still go this depression! luckily i onlt got monday an tuesdays at uni so i intend on commuting luckily!

if anyone else has had experience with this medication and it didnt kick in for a while please post!! even for my patience =/

J =]

20-01-10, 19:39
am on 5 weeks now and no improvement!!!! gahh this is the weirdest and most frustrating experience of my life!!!!

J =/

21-01-10, 15:59
Was dose are you on hun?

21-01-10, 20:39
Jipple - I felt that way when I was 5 weeks in. Felt emotionally shattered and totally fed-up. However, it started kicking in for me from about 6 weeks onwards. I hope it does the same for you. :)

22-01-10, 00:37
hai guys, had a chk up today, i was on 20mg, tho uped to 40mg today, so see hwo that goes logan its great to hear 6 weeks was your kick hope its mine =/ thanks for the support guys, i will keep you updated and love if you kept given me advice/reassurance means alot!

J =]

22-01-10, 09:10
It's horrid to be in this state - but from past experience, you DO get through it. I have been messed about with my meds for 7 months, suffering daily tension headaches and have just been given escitalopram to try - about my 5th med. I have been looking at it for days wondering whether or not to take it... it's a rollercoaster ride isn't it :) x