View Full Version : It's coming back! UGH.

13-01-10, 21:29
Just before the summer my anxiety appeared. It ruined my summer. I worked hard to get better before uni started again and since then I've stopped taking my Propranolol.


Today I had an exam. I guess I've been feeling jittery for a while now yet didn't want to face up to it. Christmas I had a tiny little panic attack but put it down to being at my parents' house (not the most peaceful place) and now I'm so scared it's all coming back.

I am so not looking forward to feeling constantly stoned, tired and scared. I have some Propranolols left and I took half of one yesterday and another half today.

I don't know what I'm trying to achieve by coming on here and having a moan but just had to vent I guess :D

13-01-10, 21:37
I'm feeling the same.

I started Uni this year and worked hard to get better in the summer. It's crept up since I got back to Uni and I'm hoping that it's just the stress of exams taking it's toll on me.

I wish I could offer some advice but truth is I need some myself.

margaret jones
13-01-10, 22:37
Probably just the stress of exams Grrrrrrrrrrr who likes them please both take care Margaret Dont let it get you down :):D

13-01-10, 22:41
Hello. it is hard to deal with stresses of our daily lives,let alone the pressure of uni,I feel for you both,but these setbacks happen to everyone,you just pick yourself up dust yourself down and start again.I have had many setbacks,just when you think every thing is rosey Bang on it comes,I do breathing exercises and visualise that i am in a calm place where i am at peace and try and relax.maybe you should change your meds, it might not be the right one for you.the important thing is to breath,and take time out for you................I know you will be ok........good luck at uni.:flowers:

andrea thompson
13-01-10, 22:45
hi laloula

it sounds like you have got a lot on at the moment! its prob just brought on by the stress you are going through... i am sure its just a blip. if the feelings continue go back to the dr and get some advice...

i hope you feel better soon..

andrea x x

14-01-10, 18:44
Aw thanks everyone,
I guess it is a blip and I do feel stressy at the moment. My poor fiance is getting shouted at by me a lot for no reason :mad:

@Kieran; do you find that you generally don't feel like you're worried about uni stuff, and then asround the time of deadlines (yuck) and exams you suddenly feel anxious? Like, I don't feel nervous about exams and things because I'm pretty confident if I've done the work that I'll pass. So whyyy the anxiety.