View Full Version : Chest pains

13-01-10, 21:56
Hi, yesterday i had a wisdom tooth extracted and it just started to feel a lot better so i was relieved about that. but this evening i have been getting some chest pains so i'm freaking out there was complications and now i have a heart condition or heart failure. do you think thats what it is?

please reply
love louise

13-01-10, 22:02
Hi Louise
More than likely just anxiety playing its tricks on you. I too had a tooth extracted on Tuesday and my anxiety has been haunting me since. I do get chest pains, usually sharp shooting pains when my anxiety is bad and I have to convince myself that it is just anxiety. If I let it get the better of me and it turns into a panic attack then I get the tight chest and shortness of breath.

Have you had chest pain before with anxiety? If so, then that's more than likely all it is. If not and you are worried about it probably wouldn't hurt to get it checked out.

Take care

13-01-10, 22:08
now and again i have had chest pains with anxiety but not that often and the thing is i would of thought my anxiety would have gone now ive had the extraction.

please reply
love louise