View Full Version : Hello everyone

19-12-05, 19:47
Hi everyone, my name's Michelle, i'm 34 years old from Gloucestershire and have 2 boys aged 13 & 10. I first came on here about 3 months ago to introduce myself but ended up doing it slap bang in the middle of someone elses introduction[Duh!] so I thought i'd start again on my own thread!:D I've suffered on and off with anxiety and panic attacks since I was 19 but I hadn't suffered a full blown panic attack for about 10 years until yesterday:( I haven't really got a clue what bought it on as i've not got anything to really worry about but I suspect it was going on the lash all day Friday at the works xmas party and drinking too much that might have started it off. I was sat in the pub having Sunday lunch yesterday with my boyfriend when all of a sudden I had that familar feeling of dread come over me and I just wanted to get away as quickly as possible. I couldn't finish my meal because I started to feel sick and my throat starting tightening up so I had to leave. My boyfriend couldn't understand what was wrong with me and he wasn't very sympathetic as he thought it was something he'd done to upset me. On the way home I had to get some wine to calm myself down, as drink always makes me feel better in the short term and sure enough I felt better. When I went to bed I managed to get to sleep straight away but at 2.15am I was woken with my heart beating out of my head then that was it, I couldn't get back to sleep so I felt dreadful when I got up for work at 7 this morning. All day at work I felt terrible and I was trying so hard not to panic and I couldn't speak much to anyone because I was so absorbed with my symptoms, I just felt like I had to get away from everyone and people probably thought I was being off. I was going to ring the doctor when I got home but I chickened out like I did all those years ago and I just suffered in silence. I think it's like a vicious circle, you have an attack then recover from that but then you constantly worry it's going to happen again which then brings another attack on! I do feel better at the moment having read that i'm not the only one, but i'm already worrying about going to bed tonight incase I can't sleep and it's ruining my evening! I just feel so crazy and I'm too embarrassed to tell anyone because they'll think i'm off my rocker, I just hope I feel better in time for xmas and don't show myself up at the dinner table with 13 other people by having a panic attack! Sorry about the long post but I do feel better now i've got it off my chest. Thanks for reading:)

"It doesn't matter who you are, it's what you do that takes you far"

19-12-05, 20:14
A warm welcome to the site, Michelle.

Be positive that you CAN make Christmas, and it might help you not have a panic attack. But if you have one, just accept it.

Take Care,


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

19-12-05, 20:34
Hi Michelle


There are lots of nice people here who will help
and support you.



20-12-05, 00:49
Hi Michelle,

Welcome to the site, these panic attacks always get u when u least expect them.

Hope your feeling better now

Take Care


"Life's a roller-coaster and I am not strapped in"

20-12-05, 06:42
Hi Michelle and welcome to NMP where you will get lots of support and make some great friends too! :D

Take Care



20-12-05, 07:12
hi michelle
welcome to this site
take care


20-12-05, 09:09
Hi Michelle

Welcome to the site

Pennie x


20-12-05, 09:11
Hey Michelle (love your name:D)

I'm glad that you got around to posting your story, it's always so interesting to hear about other people's experiences. I hope that you have a fabulously relaxing christmas.



"This too, shall pass"

20-12-05, 15:16
Hi Michelle

Your history is a common one and you are certainly not alone.

If there is a next time, try not to resort to alcohol as it just makes matters worse. Start to use distraction and exercise.

You are not off your rocker at all.


First Steps to overcoming Panic and Anxiety (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=942)

alcohol and panic-do they mix? (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2409)
Alcohol (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4783)
Anxiety and alcohol (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5142)
Alcohol (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5347)
hangovers (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5825)
Panic attacks and alcohol (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6371)
horrible cycle (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6359)


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

20-12-05, 15:31
Hi Michelle

Welcome to the forum. You'll get a lot of support here.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

20-12-05, 17:58
Hi Michelle, and welcome, I tell you, if you are off your rocker there are a lot of us with you, lol, so glad you feel better getting it off your chest, I never told anybody about how i felt but once i did it lightened the load and you will be surprised how many people understand. take care , xxx

love from Alexisxx

If I help one person today it was worth getting up.

22-12-05, 14:51
Hi Michelle,

I know exactly how you feel. I have been fine for a few years and then the other day I had a panic attack, exactly as you described. Since then it has just been getting worse, and as you said the more you think about it the more you make it happen again.

I will have a very tidy flat because evry time i can't sleep and feel panicky i start tidying things up and cleaning to try and take my mind of it.

This site is great. Even just reading other peoples stories makes me feel much better. I now I know I am not dying or having a heartattack !!

Hope you have a great Christmas

22-12-05, 17:27
hi michelle
welcome to the site
love michelle xxx