View Full Version : Its back again..worse then ever plz help!

13-01-10, 23:12
Help i'm terrified again, and i can ssee this is slowly going to spiral out of control like it did last time.
I am convinced i have cancer, cervical and another one.

This time last year i was convinced i had a brain tumour and it literally drove me mad to the point that i was trying to climb out of windows as my mum tried to calm me down.

I have a lump on my neck, like a big spot its not sore its just there, and i keep getting stomach cramps, my periods are all messed up and i know its due to cervical cancer went to the docs but they didnt do anything apart from see how u go on!!!!!!!

13-01-10, 23:30
woah calm down

It seems to me that you need some help for the Health Anxiety.

How do you know you have cervical cancer? periods can be messed up cos of stress/anxiety too.

I think you need to calm down and think about things rationally.

Please ask for some help with the HA though cos otherwise it will drive you mad like it is now and don't jump to conclusions about illnesses - it won't help.

13-01-10, 23:36
Hi ali! Please dont panic! I think i might be able to tell you what it ACTUALLY is.

If yu have a small lump on your neck, which is smooth and filled with fluid, then it will be exactly the same thing i get. Especially if its re-occuring. Its just a cyst. Its totally non life threatening, and can be easily treated with either a heat compress, or be drained.
And no wonder all the other things! Your worrying yourself half to death with these irrational thoughts!
You need to get yourself to your doctor and explain these thoughts and problems to them. But please dont let them get to you! If you keep at it like this hun your going to go mad! Explain to the doctor your feelings, and explain the worries this lump is causing you.