View Full Version : Afraid to do things on my own , need help !

14-01-10, 02:22
Hello all .
in need of some tips / advice .

had my second major panic attack in 5 months on sunday . it was so bad i couldn't bare to stay in my flat on my own (i live in student accom)
so i've come home to my parents . i've been here since then because i'm afraid of going back :weep:

i have lectures tomorrow and really need to go to them ! but the thought of going is really eating away at me . i only really feel safe when i'm around my family . if i'm on my own or with anyone else i fear that something bad will happen and either no one will be around to help me or whoever i'm with won't know what to do !

This is so silly . i've never let it stop me from doing things to this degree before . i'm literally scared to leave the house :sad:
i went to the doctors yesterday as i needed some antibiotics to get rid of this nasty chest infection ! he also put me back on meds because i've failed miserably being off them .
i managed to get to the docs but it was one hell of a struggle , just walking seems like hard work right now , i constantly feel like my legs are gonna give way .

i'm basically just scared now that when i go back to my flat i'll have another attack !
i really want to give up , these feelings are destroying every little bit of me

14-01-10, 03:04
My heart goes out to you because I really empathise with what you're going through. Actually I think I may have read your post the other evening when I had just joined. You were going back to your parents I remember.

I had major panic attacks when I was in my early twenties...a long time ago now:)
So I obviously survived even though at the time I didn't think I ever would.

My main piece of advice would be to try hard not to let a habit take hold. Don't get into a habit of not going out even if you're legs are shaking and you feel rotten. I promise you that if you can push through the fear, it will disappear.

Don't change your life to accommodate the panic, you have to take control of it.
This is my experience anyway. I would encourage you to go back to lectures and to try not to think a panic attack is somehow going to 'get you' when you are on your own. Believe me, I understand that awful terror only too well. Even if you are alone and you feel unsteady or feel the fear rising, it isn't going to kill you. Its fear, just a feeling and a feeling can't harm you.

Forgive this long 'lecture' but I promise you that if you can really get your head around this idea and trust it you will feel stronger. I wish I had had someone to tell me that in the early days when I was suffering as you are. If there had been a wonderful site like this, I would have been saved a lot of added anxiety.

I'll shut up now and send you warmest thoughts.

You haven't 'failed miserably' or let yourself down ..you are just finding your way around this problem. You are no doubt a bright and strong young women who will have a good and happy life.

Please take heart. I have every confidence in you. This will pass.

All good wishes


14-01-10, 03:33
thank you so much for your encouraging words rozie . i do appreciate them and i will take on board what you have said .

i understand what you mean about habit . if i succumb to my fears of leaving the house and doing things now , it will become habit and i will find myself being house bound for the rest of my life :weep: which obviously is something i don't want at all .

i will go tomorrow , even if i have to get my mum to push me out of the door !

i suppose i have to put it into perspective , i would rather go - feel a little wobbly and nervous and whatever else i'll feel . than be confined to my house - beaten by my irrational fears .

EURGH ... lets hope i still have this fighting spirit in the morning !!


14-01-10, 18:48
Also, if you need some time to recover and feel comfortable, it's important to do so. Push yourself to face your fears, but don't over-do it because in the long run that would cause you more anxiety.

It'll all be okay, even if it doesn't seem like it at the moment.

And I agree with everything Rozie said =]

16-01-10, 18:08
I feel exactly the same way, so it's good to hear I'm not alone with my specific area of anxiety...

Basically, I'm in the city, on my own, my boyfriend just went back to Ireland for several months and I'm terrified something will happen before I see him again. Before this, I was living in Korea and was terrified something would happen before I saw my parents again. Needless to say, I'm a wreck without my boyfriend, and I just started culinary school which is also a source of anxiety... I just want to be with my family!

I'm not on meds at the moment, but am considering going to see a doctor... what do you guys think? I feel like I'm going to die all the time and I'm terrified...

17-01-10, 09:20
I personally think u should go and see your doctor - there is no need for you to be suffering alone like this - there is help out there - maybe counselling or meds altho u have to be patient with meds as some don't suit. 3rd time lucky for my meds, also I found it hard to convey to people that I wasn't depressed just anxious. In the beg I thought I don't need counselling - then after months decided I will give it a try - and it has definately helped. I have CBT counselling, which doesn't focus on your past but your present, how u feel and how to move forward. Please don't suffer alone. xx