View Full Version : Seriously, is this normal to you?

14-01-10, 09:38
The Big Question.

Hello All Hope Everyone Is Well :) Please read this its a BIG deal to me because ever since i was 13 ive been asking myself this question. And now health anxiety, panic attacks, social anxiery, agaraphobia etc has been piled onto me. So please keep on reading.

Ok So a few niggling problems what have been haunting me for some time now, the first one is.. When i get less than 7 hours sleep all day i'll feel weak, faint, exremley fatigue and .. dead, but anyone else who does this who i know of seems as right as rain? :weep: Can anyone explain this? and the next one is that, When i got out .. shopping or even for a walk more than an hour or so nowadays i'll suddenly again become, Weak, faint, shakey, fatigue, and feel very ill. Please bear in mind im only 16 this cant be right can it? This is the reason why ive dropped out of school. Ive lost my life! And the last one i can think of is that, I am sensitive to bright lights, Not the type you have in a bedroom but im talking outside, and because we've got alot of snow in england it seems to make everything brighter outside cos of the white sheet, and it hurts my eyes and i feel very sensitive to it and it makes me feel depressed.

Thanks for reading so far please if you've read this post please please please reply, even if its to say how you feel about this.

Basically, i never knew when this all first started, i hate living like this feeling like im stuck in a shell all the time at such a young age. I feel as my body is giving up on me because i cant do the simplist of tasks i used to do. :weep: Please please help me i really need this; Its one of my biggest issues and i seriously cant survive with this much longer >.<


14-01-10, 09:54
Hi ruby ....I have suffered with anxiety since i was young (18) im 33 now ,i totaly understand what you are going through coz my symptons are the same as yours .i always feel tired ,week,dizzy ,achey all the time and just want to go to bed all the time .My doc told me i feel like this coz of all the energy i use dealing with my anxiety is the same amount as if id run a marathon .He told me tho that the more i carry on and not give in goin back to sleep the more these symptons of tiredness will go (easier said than done when u feel like your gonna collapse) But it is true coz sometimes when i feel so tired and dont want to do anything ,my partner makes me go shoppin with him ....i feel terrible when goin but i do find when im back later im not as tired as i was .I feel awful myself at the moment and no i could just get in bed and go to sleep but im gonna make myself stay awake and keep active,i no this is not much help but thought it might help you nowin ur not the only 1 who as this and that they are just symptons and nothing else.....hope u feel better soon x

14-01-10, 09:59
:weep: Thankyou for your reply, its just so hard i dont understand it, i cant stop crying i think its relief i dont know, i just dont know myself anymore. :weep: Thankyou for your reply.

14-01-10, 10:08
Hiya :) I can relate to you so much and I bet you can with me as well. I'm around your age ( 18, almost 19 ) and I am the exact same way when it comes to getting less than 8 hours of sleep. 7, whatever..
Not only does it increase my anxiety - it also makes me feel like I'll collapse some time throughout the day. My legs will seriously feel like jello! Same with walking for more than 30 minutes for me. My legs will start to cramp up, I'll feel sick, tired, weak, and litterly feel like someone beat me. Haha. I can tell you though, a lot of it comes from being so inactive. Being panicky 24/7 does not want to make a person jump up and exercise or go running everywhere and I've been feeling this way since I was 14 and my anxiety started to get bad! I wouldn't go anywhere at all.. so that's one of my theory's, that along with mass amounts of stress. It can really weigh you down and it's awful.
Like you, I also dropped out of high school due to my anxiety and physical symptoms. I know how your feeling.
I could have written this post myself, you're fine hun.
I promise.
OH, and also - about your light sensitivity. I always thought that was normal!
Now please, try to not worry because everything is OK :)

14-01-10, 10:14
Thankyou for your reply MissJennayee i hope this is normal because if it is then im going to try and push myself.. beyond what i can take .. makes me cry even more thinking about it but maybe i should get out of bed today.. :/ I dont know im home alone.. But thankyou for you reply you'll never know how much i apriciate these replies keep them coming ! xx :)

14-01-10, 10:16
You're very welcome! It's normal - if it wasn't I'd be long gone! and that's what you have to do, you have to push yourself to the limit. You should get out and bed and enjoy your day hun, there's no reason not too :D

14-01-10, 10:20
Hiya Ruby

Had a quick read of your post and sounds like you could be having a couple of issues.

First, sleeping less than 7 hours. At your age, you are actually still growing, so sleep is important. My wee muppet of a boy is 14, if he doesnt get 8 hours plus he is a nightmare, tired all day and grumpy so I wouldnt worry too much about that.

Secondly, you may be a bit sensitised through worry/anxiety. Feeling dizzy, weak, and disliking the brightness are all traits of a sensitised mind, more so because when places are bright (like outside, big open spaces, supermarkets etc) all that information rushes from your eyes to your mind, and it's the processing of this rush of information that gives the anxious mind that overwhelming feeling.

Possibly not getting enough sleep is not only making you tired, but is also feeding your anxiety.

Now the good news is none of it will harm you, no matter how disturbing it feels.

Maybe you need to speak to your parents/guardian (sorry, I know 16 is not a child :) but you know what i mean), to see if you can get some help and find what's causing the anxiety, I would suggest the GP first to see if any therapy is available.

in the mean time you may benefit from reading some Claire Weekes books, they really are great for coming to terms with why you feel like you do.

Good luck


14-01-10, 11:16
Thanking for your reply it makes alot of sense i suppose im a coward but ive experienced so many traumas through different symtoms before and its hard and overwhelming :weep: But thankyou for yet another great post i really do apriciate these.