View Full Version : Please read as I am so worried.

14-01-10, 09:47
Hi, I left a post recently about my stomach issues, I have been getting discomfort at the top of my stomach on and off for over a year now but just recently it's gotten worse. I went to my GP last week and he felt my stomach and said it felt fine but gave me Lansoprazole to take for 1 month, he said if that doesn't work I have to have blood tests done to see if I have any infection in my stomach, which he said can be easily treated with antibiotics. But if test comes back clear I will have to have a camera put down my throat. I am so anxious now, I have been taking medication for 8 days and if anything I have more heartburn than I did before. I am terrified that I have something very seriously wrong with me as I suffer terribly from health anxiety so always fear the worst. I did lose a couple of pounds over Christmas but I think that was down to me being very careful about what I eat (I have raised cholesterol so am paranoid about fatty foods) well I have now gained the weight back and put on a little more, probably because I have been eating lots more than I usually do because I wanted to see if I could put the weight back on.
Does anyone else suffer bad heartburn, mine seems to last on and off all day. I cannot put it down to anything specific that I am eating. Also, anybody else not had any relief after taking Lansoprazole?
Thank you for taking the time to read my post again, I would be so grateful for some response as this is ruining my life at the moment, I cannot seem to concentrate on anything else.

14-01-10, 09:50
My stomachs often tender but this is due to anxiety ive found and shallow breathing. This can then radiate into my chest.

14-01-10, 10:29
I am having stomach issues lately, were I am even getting to the point I dont want to eat, but that's another story.

Years ago, I used to get real bad acid, it would wake me up at night and I would have to drink milk so I could get back sleep. I was in and out of the docs at that time, barium meals etc but they found nothing.

I finally seen a really good GP (old school) and I explained those symptoms like you had. They tested for a virus called H Pylori, which I had. It was all a bit controversial at the time because there was this conspiracy theory that this bug was covered up (they said it couldn't live in the stomach) and this virus kepted the anti-acid industry in billions of dollars worldwide.

Anyway long story short, test positive, had the virus, 2 weeks of tablets, never had acid again.

It could be nothing to do with that for you, but always worth a mention :)



21-01-10, 21:51
Hi, I am also suffering very similar to you at the moment. These are my symptoms, soreness in upper abdo, around the base of my breastbone are, like a slight stinging feeling all the time. nausea, feeling like I may gag sometimes, wind and bloating, acid heartburn. I have been taking omeprazole for 5 months and was doing ok, but now symptoms seem to be coming back. I was told by the doc that if this didn't work he would send me for endoscopy, which is simply out of the question as I am emetophobic (fear of vomiting) so I havn't been back! Feel really scared and miserable too, so I know how you feel.

Can I ask how did the antibiotics affect you when you had the H pylori treatment? I havn't been given this test yet.

22-01-10, 08:13

I felt like this a couple of years ago. I had this sick, gnawing ache in my stomach and it made me feel awful. I got the blood tests for helicobacter, which was positive, and received the meds for it. It worked for a while then returned. I got the test again and it had returned, which can happen, and I got the treatment again. I've continued taking Lansoprazole. Anxiety definitely increases stomach acid and that's why you are feeling rotten and uncomfortable. If the Lansoprazole doesn't work then do have the blood tests. If positive the treatment is so simple, 2 antibiotics and Lansoprazole, for 2 weeks. I had an endoscopy without sedation but you can have it with sedation and you won't even remember anything about it, so try not to wind yourself up about that. All going well you may not even have to have one. They say the stomach is the most sensitive organ in the body and if it's upset then it does make you feel miserable. This will be treatable for you and not serious at all. Try not to worry about it too much.

22-01-10, 11:31
Hey there,
Yes me too, I occasionally get indegestion depending on what I eat, but sometimes I also get this other thing which is like an ache at the top part of my tummy just under the rib bone, it really does hurt, and weirdly enough eating something can actually make it feel better. I once thought maybe I had an ulcer.. This can sometimes go on for a few days...I usually take indegestion medicine for this but it doesnt help really. I think a hot water bottle helps more...Hope you feel better soon.