View Full Version : what is this knee and calf pain?

anx mum
14-01-10, 11:38
Plz help really worried:weep: for about a month now been getting pains started in my knees where i couldnt kneel hurt to walk down stairs and if sat down hurt 2 get up. Now ive got awful pains in my calf left one doc said its swollen had an ultra sound for dvt came bk normal what else can this b in alot of pain.

14-01-10, 13:13
I got arthiritis from the Crohn's flare up I had and this caused my knees, ankles and feet to really hurt - even getting out of bed was so painful.

They put me on a drug to help with it and I stayed on it for a while then slowly reduced.

I found that the more I walked around the easier it got.

I am just wondering if any of the medication you are on could be causing these pains as well ?

anx mum
14-01-10, 13:20
How did u find out it was arthiritus? Docs given me painkillers tramadol but still in pain with these. They did an ultra sound and couldnt see a clot. Havin knee xray next.

14-01-10, 13:22
Your not going to find your answers here I don't think. What has your doc told you? He must be happy it's nothing serious :)

14-01-10, 13:27
Well apparently it is common to get arthritis with a Crohn's flare-up. There is a blood test they can do for it as well but mine came back negative so no idea why I had such bad pains but they did go in time.

I did have some medication for it that may have helped but it made me feel a bit sick so I stopped that in the end.

I just found that over time the pain eased and as I walked around more it did help.

anx mum
14-01-10, 13:28
given me painkillers and having knee xray been going on about a month now so sick of it pain is in calfs aswell.

14-01-10, 13:32

Its probably your muscles tensin up from all your anx, and it wont go while u so anxious

I get knee pain really bad every few months, the pain gets so bad i cry with it.

Or like nic said could be from the medications you are taking

:hugs: mandie xx

anx mum
14-01-10, 13:40
how r u stranger? Hope so never been in so much pain x

14-01-10, 14:24
the best thing to do is to try and relax, i no its hard, i should take my own advice im always on edge.

Iv not been great hun.

see u on msn for a catch up soon


Cell block H fan
14-01-10, 16:00
Do you live in flats with stairs? When I was early 20's I got terrible knees. The doc said its the stairs I walk up everyday! Sounds crazy when I think back though! I get pain in my hips everyday, & my feet are always sore. But I walk for 4 hours a day, 4 days a week in the job I do. If I sit down for 5 minutes I can barely walk when I get up, until ive loosened off a bit. I'm 38 by the way. Anyone would think i'm 68!
Lifestyle can play a big part in aches & pains, especially in the knees, feet, hips, ankles, wrists etc etc.
edit: when I was 18 I was a solderer in an electronics factory, holding a soldering iron most the day. I even got stiff fingers when I woke up in the morning! Like Athur ritis. The doc said its basically like repetitive strain injury.

anx mum
15-01-10, 10:25
No do not live in flats started about a month ago had awful pains in my knees couldnt kneel walkin down stairs really hurt and sitting down and getting up was agony. For just over 2 weeks the pain has gone 2 bk of calfs really painful like dull ache or stabbing pain doc said calf was swollen had ultra sound cos of dvt came bk normal guess im just looking for an answer so sick of limping and pain.