View Full Version : Appendicitis in children.

14-01-10, 11:53
I had to take my 5 year old son to the GP today, he has been complaining of a pain in his stomach for a few days aswell as a sore throat. He didn't seem very unwell with it at all until last night when he started with a fever, very bad right sided pain in his abdomen, sore throat, very raised glands in his neck and he went very pale. He woke again at 6am screaming with tummy pain and he was trying to vomit but nothing would come up, just liquid.

After seeing the GP he was saying he feels so sick and keeps wretching. The GP said he didn't think it was tonsilitis, he thought possible appendicitis and told me to monitor him all day.

We just got in and within seconds he was asleep on the sofa, he is still hot after 2 lots of calpol/neurofen since 2am. He really looks unwell, I have never seen him so pale.

I just googled appendicitis and he fits the bill.

Has anyone had this or their children and can advise? Thank you:)

14-01-10, 12:04
Hi Aimee

In this instance I would probably think it safer to have your son checked out at A and E.

Appendicitis often starts of with tummy pains which then travels to the right but this isn't always the case.

He may well have a virus, particularly as he has a temperature (I take you have actually checked with a forehead thermometer?) but I'm quite surprised that your GP has asked you to monitor the situation in case it's appendicitis!

Of course you can always ring NHS direct for advice...see what they recommend.

PS. Aimee hun don't use Google as a diagnostic tool, particularly when it concerns your children. I know it's tempting but resist the temptation..it's really not a good idea.

14-01-10, 12:14
Thank you, I am swaying towards just going to A&E to be honest, as he just seems so much worse now. He hasn't woken up, he fell asleep as soon as his head touched the pillow.

I didn 't feel comfortable leaving it really. I shall ring NHS direct and possibly get up to A&E this afternoon as soon as I can get my husband home.

14-01-10, 12:15
HIs fever is low grade, GP and I have both taken it with an ear thermometer. Both read around 38.

The GP didn't think he had a sickness bug or anything but he was concerned about this right sided pain, but he tol dme to monitor it at home which I don't feel comfortable with.

14-01-10, 12:16
You're welcome. :)

I have 5 kids of my own (all grown now) and 6 grandkids so I have just a wee bit of experience in these things!

I hope all goes well and lets keep fingers crossed it's a viral thing.

Let us know how you get on :flowers:

14-01-10, 12:34

I just rang NHS direct, theyt old me to ring my GP. I rang the GP and he said to wait until 5pm and bring him back down. Arghhhhhhhhh! I told him how unwell he looks and how much pain he is now in and he thinks I should just monitor the situation until 5.

14-01-10, 13:23
When i had my appendicitis it started as a stitch. A few hours later i felt quite sweaty, feverish and ill so i had a work colleague take me home (i was working night shift at the time). I took a couple of tablets and went to sleep on the sofa. When i woke up i couldn't stand up straight and was actually walking with my right hand on the floor! I phoned the docs when they opened at 9 and they got me an appointment for 12.

The doctor unceremoniously checked my appendix internally and sent me straight to Winchester. Two more doctors unceremoniously checked my appendix internally (not sure why - maybe my bottom looked nice!), monitored me (to see if my temperature went down) and then sent me to have my appendix out. This all happened within 24 hours.

I remember coming round and asking the doctors to see my appendix - it looked like a little yellow chilli pepper!

So that's my experience.

14-01-10, 13:26
I had appendicitus when i was about 10 or so. Really bad stomach etc. Went to the docs and he told me to leave it for 24 hours or so.

It got better over time as it turned out to be a rumbling appendix which is what this sounds like and the doc just wants to see if it rumbles itse'f out like they can do. I used to get it every so often after that but nothing as bad.

Hope this helps

14-01-10, 14:26
Hi Aimee,
My daughter was exactly the same as you describe your son. And i was told exactly the same as you to monitor her, her pain got worse and i couldnt wait til the Gp rang back and i told her to casulty. After examinations etc the doc said it was probably a grumbling appendix and to watch her closely if she was still in pain or she got worse to take her straight back or call an ambulance. After another 24 hours she was fine, she still now gets the odd pain in the side etc and all this was a year ago now.
All i will say is trust your instints as a mother, you know your son better than anyone else.
Really hope he feels better soon, take care,

Debs xx

14-01-10, 19:27
Hello Aimee,

I had my appendix out when I was 10. Felt the worst stabbing pain in my left hand side which slowly moved to the centre. The doctor did a test where she pushed my stomach in and let go. She asked 'Did it hurt more when I held it in or let go' As i screamed the place down when she let go she already knew the answer.

She sent me straight to the hospital where I had it out. I still remember how it felt 12 years later as it was the most unbareable pain ever!

Hope your little boy is ok, let us know how he gets on.

15-01-10, 11:26

I said I would update.

He is home now, spent a very long day in hospital and he was very unwell bless him.

They did bloods, xrays etc... seems it was a very bad case of swollen glands in his stomach and a very nasty case of tonsilitis. His tonsils are so enlarged that he could hardly breath or swallow:-(

Today though he is home and doing so well. Even attempting his favourite meal, cottage pie for lunch.

Thank you all for your help yesterday:-)

15-01-10, 13:06
good news wish him better from me

15-01-10, 14:17
Thanks L xx