View Full Version : i feel like crap!!!

14-01-10, 12:26
basically im noy gettng any sleep atm, im being asked to deal with GCSE and loads of other family problems so im massively stressed so i cant eat. And ontop of that i have always had bad self esteem but now its even worse i look in the mirror and feel so hideous.....i actually feel embarrassed when people look at me coz i think they are thinking wow shes ugly!
it gets worse though because of this its causing arguments between me and my boyfriend because if im already stressed and then he will say im "gorgeous" i will then accuse him of being a liar or taking the piss. But i love him and i dont want to loose him but i honestly wouldnt blame him for finnishing with me. any advice guys? :blush:

14-01-10, 21:48
Hi Becca

Sorry you are feeling so low i have 3 teenage daughters and i remember well the GCSE time your feelings are not helped by you not getting enough sleep it will make you look and feel rough so thats the first thing you have to do sort out your sleep pattern try having a hot bath after you have revised so you can clear your head and just relax

I am sure you are not ugly or hiddeous but you would be suprised how much lack of sleep affects your thoughts and feelings really try to work on that your boyfriend sounds as though he really cares about you so try to believe what he tells you and allow yourself to feel good about the compliment he has paid you i promise with a few good nights of sleep you will see yourself as he does

alot of this is exam pressure too so tell yourself that try not to put too much pressure on yourself do your very best i am sure you will do fine remember sleep sleep sleep you need alot at your age especially with exams coming up your brain needs it to work properly

good luck hope you feel better soon :hugs:

14-01-10, 22:08
Becca, it worked for me to have a timetable for revision (you could ask a teacher to help you set it?)and include leisure and exercise time for yourself, a good lunch break and a reasonable bedtime (dont revise in the middle of the night, you don't learn a thing, Ive tried!). Don't finish revising and go straight to bed, you will never get to sleep!Revising is too stimulating. Have a bath, relax, listen to some music, then think about bed.During my mock A Levels I revised ALL THE TIME (ate while I revised n didnt exercise or go out) and it made me ill and I ended up walking out of my mock English Lit A Level in a panic before Id written a word.Id burnt out! When I sat the real thing I revised to a timetable and made sure I had time away for rest and leisure too. I ended up with a grade B. So you see, set the environment around you, tell family and boyfriend you need some time to get through this, its just for now and if they cant give you that time, could you find somewhere else to revise, say the library or a friends house?About your self image, I feel EXACTLY like you when Im really down. Stress and lack of sleep distorts how you see yourself. You must put yourself first and exercise, this will help sleep and as I said before, don't revise or exercise for that matter directly before bed.Ive just reread this n it sounds really bossy. Sorry I dont mean to be but I type as I think!Hope this helps matey. All the best.xx

14-01-10, 23:05
Becca, I remember GCSE's I too did all the studying and made myself ill. I'm 33 years old and when my hubby says I look georgous I too dont believe it and think hes taking the micky!! I'm having cbt at moment and one thing i'm trying is that when he says how wonderful I am, I say 'thank you' I dont have to believe it but just saying thank you, instead of 'no im not' 'you must need glasses' etc etc, does (after a while) work at helping you feel better. Remember exams are not everything, you need time to relax and wind down, I studied too much for my physics and overloaded, got d 1st time and had to retake, then got a B cause i'd calmed down.
You'll get through it and in 10 years time look back and think why on earth was I like that! Honest!!
Take care and remember your boyfriend likes you the way you are, no matter what you think about yourself, he loves you for being you!
Good luck
Angela x
An old been there person .Lol:):hugs: