View Full Version : i just dont know what to do?

14-01-10, 12:33
Everythings falling apart atm i cant sleep or eat or even really talk to anyone. Because over the last year i have been to hospital so many times over self harm and overdose i have been so depressed and then when i start to recover my mum and step dad are divorcing.
This is extremly stressful because he is extremly violent and i feel so guilty leaving my mum and little brother and sisiter with him. H has threatend my mum saying if she trys to divorce him he will take the kids with him and kill himself.
So obviously im very stressed and have no idea how to help my mum or myself really? Im so scared of all the change and this causes so much stress but there is a tiny silver lining i have not overdosed or self harmed in months and im proud of myself for that. Any advice guys?:scared15:

14-01-10, 12:42

Ok i think the thing that would help your mum the most right now is if you stop overdosing and self harming. That will just be adding to the stress she is already under and of course it would benefit you the most.

There are so many other things that can be done in these circumstances.
You or your mum could contact womans aid. They can work with family to get out of these situations.

The police too have liason officers who can also help.

You could also contact an orginisation like the samaritins who will have so much more advice on how your mum could get help.

Take care

14-01-10, 13:15
lisa is right harming yourself is not the answer ,, try to find a way to get your mum and childrn help sooner than later

14-01-10, 14:04
Hi Becca Lisa is right your mam must get help from a womens aid, they can help her, i was in an abusive marriage years ago & they helped me & things are so much better with these organisations now, it is not something she has to deal with, he seems to be blackmailing her into staying, she must think of herself & the children not be put on a guilt trip, no doubt she feels as i did that this is her fault, that is what they want you to believe, it took me years to get over these bad feelings, but now i'm married to a man in a million, please help her to be strong & you'll all get through this, good luck. Anne:bighug1:

14-01-10, 16:19
Here are some contact details for you....

Victim Support
Phone: 0845 30 30 900
Website: www.victimsupport.org (http://www.victimsupport.org)

Confidential support for people experiencing feelings of distress or despair.
Phone: 08457 90 90 90 (24-hour helpline)
Website: www.samaritans.org.uk (http://www.samaritans.org.uk)

Information on child and adolescent mental health. Services for parents and professionals.
Phone: 0800 018 2138
Website: www.youngminds.org.uk (http://www.youngminds.org.uk)

Self-Injury Helpline
0117 925 1119

Advice on dealing with domestic violence.
Phone: 0808 2000 247
Website: www.refuge.org.uk (http://www.refuge.org.uk)

I hope this helps

14-01-10, 20:08
thank you for the numbersbottle blond. By the way to everyone else i said im not self harming anymore.

14-01-10, 20:55

That's brilliant hun! you keep that up! :hugs:

Just remember that there is ALWAYS help out there!

14-01-10, 21:06
Lisa, just a suggestion..

is there any chance that the details of helpful organisations could be put somewhere prominent on the forum, maybe in the useful links section?

I'm thinking in particular of the Refuge and Samaritans numbers.

For Becca-you doing so well under such a great deal of strain, that is the best thing that you can do for your mum. xx

14-01-10, 21:28
Well done for not harming or overdosing for a while :hugs:

14-01-10, 21:39
Lisa, just a suggestion..

is there any chance that the details of helpful organisations could be put somewhere prominent on the forum, maybe in the useful links section?

I'm thinking in particular of the Refuge and Samaritans numbers.

For Becca-you doing so well under such a great deal of strain, that is the best thing that you can do for your mum. xx


They are hun. They are under 'useful links' on the forum.


There is also a thread for 'us' members!
It is a sticky on that forum!


14-01-10, 21:46
That is what is known as a "Blond moment" :doh:
The first of 2010 but I guarantee there will be more to come. :D

Thanks :flowers:

14-01-10, 21:48
Lmao i have at least 5 of those daily so think yourself lucky!!! pmsl :hugs: xxx