View Full Version : antibiotics some advice please

14-01-10, 12:56
Hi not been on here for a while just hoping someone can reassure me. I had flu over christmas and was just getting better when i got a dental abcess. I was prescribed Augmentin (amoxycillin) which i have nearly finished taking. Been worried coz i've had an upset tummy. Nothing major but it doesn't have to be to set me off worrying. Had slight diarrhoea but thats cleared up but i am going to the toilet more and my stools are quite dark. Is this normal with antibiotics and has anyone had the same side effects. I hate taking tablets and have been quite panicky the whole time i've been taking them. If anyone can help would be very grateful.
Thanks Tracey xxx

14-01-10, 13:03

An upset tummy is one of the most common side effects from taking antibiotics and may last a little while after you finish taking them

Unfortunately, antibiotics kill a lot of the good bacteria in your stomach. I would recommend going to your health food shop and getting some probiotics to help replenish the good stuff. You can take probiotic yoghurt drinks too like actimel but I would take tablets too as these have more in.

Hope you are feeling better soon x

14-01-10, 13:15
Thanks for the reply Jo its eased my mind. Will do what you advise.
Tracey xxx

14-01-10, 13:36
Great advice. Whenever I have antibiotics I take Yukult drinks a few hours in between each dose. It stops the stomach upset for me