View Full Version : Cluster of small red bumps at back of tongue in centre

14-01-10, 13:45

I recently noticed when I stick my tongue right out (I mean right out lol) at the back just before the two bumpy bits you have on either side of the tongue (lingual tonsils not sure), down the centre of the tongue I have lots of little red bumps, they only come so far forward down the tongue and then stop (so typically when you stick your tongue out at someone say you wouldnt see them, they are quite far back).

Im not sure what these are, I think they may have been there quite a while (maybe years?) but im kind of not 100percent positive as we dont spend all day with our tongue stuck right out. Im at work on my own so have no one elses tongue to check lol (bit of a worrier). Does anyone else have bumps here on theyre tongue or know what they might be, im in a panic theyre a sign of something very serious or sinister, I wont even say the word what im thinking they could be (theyre fairly small, bumps is probs wrong word maybe 1 or 2 millimeteres but can definetely see them

I went to the doc today to get a look at my tonsils (unconnected to what im taking about now) im thinking she would have seen them but then again she wouldnt have been looking specifically at my tongue, and they are quite far back on the tongue as ive said.

14-01-10, 13:47
Hoping theyre normal, starting to panic so if anyone can reply if they can see any on their tongue would be fab

14-01-10, 13:49
Hi they are called papillae or something. Totally normally. I have spent hours looking at mine (worrier here too)

anx x

14-01-10, 13:58
Oh wow, thankyou, so you have them too! They do fee very bumpy, some slightly bigger than others (though none huge, i.e. none bigger than maybe 2 to 3 mms). I think I have heard of papillae, I just wasnt sure if these ones were too big (didnt know whether they should be too small to see) and was worried because they arent further forward or all over my tongue.

Im a hopeless worrier with medical stuff! I think im finding every bump on my body at the moment, oops.

14-01-10, 14:05
Yes to all your questions. I noticed them about 5 years ago when i was having major health worries about my mouth. Infact i noticed everything in it:blush:. Seen dentist, gps, specialists etc. They are normal honestly. Try to distract yourself when you are feeling this way. Its easier said than done but it works in the long time.

anx x

14-01-10, 14:05
Mine get bumpy like that when I eat somethng bitter or sharp and when I drink fizzy drinks. Think this is normal

14-01-10, 14:27
Yep, totally normal! I have nice big ones at the back of my tongue too... they seem more sensitive than the other smaller ones.

14-01-10, 15:45
Thank you (alot!) for your replies my heart rate is going back to normal reading your replies, starnge that they cluster just here, there seems to be quite alot of them really, but glad they seem to be normal :-) x

14-01-10, 17:33
Really sorry to panic again, but Ive looked at my mums tongue and it doesnt seem to have the same bumps as mine!! Are your bumps def towards the back but coming a bit forward so not just right at back (but stopping before the bit of tongue you would stick out etc) mmainly in centre. It would remind me of a cluster of raised spots as oppose to any lumps and there are lots of them, they arent in any specific arrangement. Could mine be enlarged, some of mine feel quite biggish (2-3mms) and a little tender (though this could be cecuase ive been poking them half the day and sticking my tongue out) really when i touch them with my finger? Are enlarged papillae a sign of cancer.......like have they maybe overgrown.
They couldnt be ulcers could they, there would be quite alot of ulcers if thats what they are, im not sure what ulcers look like? plus assume they would hurt more than being tender.

Oh and sorry, just checking its not the lingual tonsil bumps at the back of the tongue that you mean you have. The cluster of bumps im talking about are much smaller (like raised spots really would be a way to describe them) and arent quite as far back as the pea sized bumps t the back of my mouth, just infront and forward (mainly centre).

I had a yellowish/white coating on my tongue (i did have white choc cheesecake last night so not sure if this could be that) and I brushed my tongue a little and it seems quite red after doing this....not sure whether even bleeding a little....argh

Ooops im coming across v panicy, im usually a very together person, havent thought I seriously had anything wrong with me in a long time.

14-01-10, 17:50
I knew you would do this. Get reassurance, then go seeking more and end up anxious again.
All tongues and mouths look different. I am sure what you are seeing is what we all have. Mouths also change from day to day. I know because i was obsessed with them for so long.
Think positively, you have a few (i tend to worry if only one lump-bump there), doc has looked in your mouth recently and we all say we have something similar,
anx x

14-01-10, 17:56
Thankyou, I know im being a silly worrier and I just need to distract myself as you mentioned! I do feel myself getting a tad obssessive lol, I willtry and stop worrying your posts have helped alot 'anxious', they really have xx (your pic is v cute by the way)

Just one thing I have to check though, your not thinking of circumlative papillae when you say you have them, as they are supposed to be in a v shape arent they and mine are clusters mostly in middle of tongue, though a few at side, and they come further forward. Is clusters what you have as oppose to in a specific arrangement infront of lingual tonsils (I looked up so many diagrams earlier today hence my big words lol).

14-01-10, 18:19
no the circumlative papillae are more pinky in colour and larger, the red spots are infront of these and smaller. My are in the centre but spread out to one side more that the other. Look like they should be itchy but they arn't.
We are talking about the same thing,
anx x

14-01-10, 18:27
Thank you so much, we are talking about the same thing yes I can clearly see that now, funnily enough even down to mine spread out to one side more than the other as well! I do feel alot better thinking about it now as, as you say a doc looked in my mouth today (even if not specifically at tongue) and with docs having seen yours as well im convinced they are normal! :-)

Really cant thank you enough for taking the time to reply xx (hugs). Hope you have a good evening x

14-01-10, 23:27
OMG for once I am normal. I have them too and I'm quite attached to mine!

15-01-10, 03:17
Okay, the tonsils which most people can visualize are the palatine tonsils and the raised bumps you are referring to are inflamed tonsillar tissue.

Realize that tonsillar tissue resides in many areas throughout the oral cavity. Allergy sufferers, in particular, can often observe raised tonsillar "bumps" at the rear surface of the tongue and even on the back wall of the pharyngeal cavity. Post nasal drip is often responsible and is due to a histamine I response.

You're fine. The irritation would not be suggestive of any type of disease or signs of a life-threatening process taking place.

Best regards,

Rutheford Rane, MD (ret.)

15-01-10, 09:41
Hi anxious

Im just asking because you said you noticed a lot of things in your mouth you were concerned about a while ago, I dont suppose you ever noticed red patches on your hard palate and it was nothing?

Ive made a post on what Ive just noticed (I know im terrible I stop worrying about my tongue and move on to something else, think Im becoming obssessive with my mouth!):

On the hard palate in my mouth, about half way back in my throat on the bone that runs through the middle of the palate I can feel a slightly raised bump. I had a look in the mirror 9angling with another mirror to see lol) and theres a little red area on top of where the bone is (a spec of red really) and to either side of the bone in line with this there are red patches (no idea if theyve just appeared or been there a while, never looked at this area before). They feel slightly tender and I have been playing with the area with my tongue (praying why this is that its so red, first noticed it late last night around 11pm, but the redness is still there this morning).

Well I googled red patch on palate and every single result that comes up says a sign of mouth cancer!!! Hence im freaking out big time! There is not a suggestion of what else it could be!

Has anyone had anything like this and its not been sinister, am I overreacting. Ive been to docs twice this week (regarding other things that didnt turn out to be much) so cant really go again staright away as think they all ready thought I was a bit ridiculous lol..... replies appreciated!

15-01-10, 21:47
i worried about these constantly for about a year, i think i posted here about them about 3 years ago, i made myself ill, then i asked my sister to look in her mouth and she had them too. ive not worried since.
Take care

Gemma T
11-06-11, 13:22
Yeh mine are pretty big. Some can be pea sized so dont worry.

06-07-11, 06:22

Could you please let me know if your bumps are still there? I have similar problems since, may be, last 6 months? (i don't know exactly), but noticed it a month ago. I am getting a bit worried.

25-08-11, 10:29
Yeah the bumps on my tongue are still there as before, they havent changed since first noticed them last year so that coupled with the fact that other people seem to have the same I'm confident that theyre just meant to be there