View Full Version : anxiety paterns!!! (bellalew)

14-01-10, 14:15
:shrug:Dose any one here have diffrent anxiety paterns?say for a week or so, ill be woke in the night with itching legs,then when that gose,ill be grinding my teeth,the next week ill have rapid eye movement,then im woke restless and my limbs are on the go, i wake with my teeth sore because iv clentched my teeth all night,then im seeing things and yet my eyes are closed,for eg,if iv been playing a game on the comp that day and i go to bed, on waking up i can actually see the game,its all a bit weird but dose any one else experience the same,maybe not in that order or the same symptoms.This has been going on for about 12mths now,but somtimes i do get a good nights sleep,so its obviously my anxiety levels that cause this but,its realy anoying and am sick of having diffrent ailments to cope with.:mad:

15-01-10, 21:42
i have similiar patterns , sometimes my eyes play tricks on me when they are closed i see wierd bright colours or wierd images ,or have even seen things in black and white . Then the nxt week i will have breathing issues where i think i cant breath and feel its laboured so i spend days concentrating on my breathing ,then it will be headaches and i feel like im drunk , disorinetated .There are so many different symptoms to anxiety , a once printed a list off the web , it was kind of reassuring for me to have a check list .