View Full Version : Sewage, contamination, cleaning and toilet problems

14-01-10, 16:01
I have blocked my toilet in the house before with my OCD last year and the sewage actually leaked into the house. Plus at work in my old job I did the same and it leaked into the staff room. A few days back we had another leak in the garden and I'm worried about contamination. My dog was near it so I'm not going to go near him.

Just wondering if anybody else has had this problem..a bit embarrassing but I can block the toilet once or twice a week. I have OCD problems with using toilet roll so my worries are: This sewage is dangerious and my other worry is the fact I keep blocking toilets.

Anybody else had this? It's one thing blocking a toilet but when it burst at the drainage..:blush:

14-01-10, 17:05
Hello Phil,

I don't know how to stop your problem, but think I can work out a way for you to stop the drains blocking. Why don't you break up your 'cleaning sessions', so you are not flushing so much loo paper down all at the same time. Not explaining this very well - you could flush one lot down, wait until the cistern has filled, continue with sorting yourself out, and then flush another lot down.

I am sure the sewage hasn't caused any contamination.:hugs: