View Full Version : Asymmetrical tonsils/pink nodule

14-01-10, 19:11
Ive been to docs twice in last week as one tonsil is bigger than the other I think I looked a while ago and the difference in size was apparent then. The first doc felt all my neck, shoulder etc to check for swollen glands and there were none, He had a look in my mouth and agreed one was bigger but that our bodies can differ i.e. one foot slightly bigger than the other. He said your tonsils dont have to be perfectly symmetrical. He asked if I had other symptoms such as night sweats, fevers, low immune system etc, and I have none, and he said if it had been like this a while (which tihnk it has) then id have some of those other symptoms.

The second doc also felt all my neck and found nothing. Then she had a look in my mouth also agreed one was bigger than the other but she didnt seem concerned. She said since it seems to be worrying me to go back in furture if I think its changed or to go back anyway in about a month and to let her have a look and see if theres a change. She also mentioned they may not even be diff size it may be one side of the mouth where the tonsils sit is slightly shallower than the other.
I pointed out a small pink nodule (i may be describing this wrong but its like a v small pink tear shaped lump at the top of the tonsil towards the v back of throat). Im worried it was maybe too hard for her to see, does this sound like cancer? She didnt say much about it just that tonsils can be lumpy!

Im kind of still a tad concerned, so any experiences appreciated


15-01-10, 15:23
Thanks for your reply! Yeah the docs did not seem concerned and said that it was just the way my tonsils were and that were all different and I ahve read this in other places on this site.... theres just always that bit of doubt cos im a worrier hence looking for this happened to me too stries on here. My throat hasnt been sore, I noticed the size difference when was looking at a tooth near back of my mouth, im sure ive noticed it on many occassions so nt sure why I paniced so much this time. Im clinging on to the fact that it would probs look noticeably different to me if had been growing, and apparently there would be other symptoms by now. I kind of feel like I can feel one when I swallow now and again (or when Im scared like now, it feels like all the time).

18-01-10, 10:28
going to see dentist today about my mouth (another opinion lol) and terrified hes going to go silent squeeze my hand and refer me on as he thinks its something bad!!!

18-01-10, 15:25
Really starting to panic about my impending dentist appointment, Im just thinking how he could shatter my world tonight if he can see something wrong with my tonsil

18-01-10, 15:33
I have that! I just noticed it yesterday and was worried about tonsil cancer. I showed it to the dental hygienist (who I was seeing today anyway) and my mum, and both said it looks fine to them....... but I'm going to see the doctor next week anyway, because am still a bit worried. I don't have a sore throat or anything either. It's good to hear somone else has the same!

18-01-10, 15:45
Yeah, the more people that I read have a bigger tonsil the less panicky I feel i.e. the more normal it sounds. The doctors I saw said one did look bigger, but not that it was swollen, and really just said that, thats just the way my tonsil is, I think im going to have to relax a bit if Dentist doesnt say much either. Id be interested what they say to you! :-)

19-01-10, 16:03
Oh and the pink tear shaped lump....... i think i might have one of those too! Mine is on the other side of my mouth from my bigger tonsil, right at the back..... It is maybe 2mm across, tear shaped, and sort of paleish pink (not white) with smooth edges. I am also really worried about it! I showed it to my dentist who says it is nothing....... but i stilll worry about it on and off. Does it sound like yours?

19-01-10, 16:05
Oh.... and what did your dentist say?? xx

19-01-10, 16:06
Sounds like mine yes, my dentist said it was nothing either when I went last night. Plus two docs have seen it. If you go to the docs let me know what they say.

Think im starting to accept it is pros nothing. Only thing you can do is keep an eye on it for changes.

20-01-10, 23:13
you'll drive yourself mad measuring tonsils and whatever. I had a panic about bumps on my tongue as I couldn't find any other tongue photo on the net that looked the same, my dentist said it was quite normal. DId you know also that many men have one testicle bigger than the other too! Not sure if that helps but it's further evidence that we weren't designed by a computer. Cancer is an abnormal cell growth and you tend to notice when something is wrong as a result of pain and swelling (though cancer is just ONE of MANY possible explanations for this!)

20-01-10, 23:53
Yeah, thanks for the reply think I have accepted now that my tonsils are just a quirk of me! I trust me dentist, whereas the docs I saw ive never seen before and im not sure took me seriously but I feel alot better now, especially when reading how many other people seem to have same thing! :-)

28-04-13, 20:30
Hey louise ! I do also suffer through some similar symptoms ! Especially pink nodule near my left tonsil bt nt on throat since past six months !do update me what happened.

30-04-13, 14:40
It doesnt appear to be any bigger so I'm thinking it must be nothing as my dentist and doc say, but still go through phases when how big one is compared to the other tonsil freaks me out. Sometimes it also feels funny when I swallow and I think this may be because the uvula touches the big tonsil sometimeswhen I swallow. It does make me feel better to hear other people have asymmetrical tonsils, I'm always reassured when other people have the same and are fine :-) I think since we arent constntly looking in out mouths its hard to know how long something has been as it is, I first noticed my big tonsil and nodule about 3 years ago but I could have had it all my life....