View Full Version : Genuine belief that you're about to die !!!!! HELP

14-01-10, 20:16
how often do people get this feeling ?
i get it literally everyday all through the day

i just had a little freak out then because i thought i was about to drop dead - i imagined my family running in to find me and it just set me off into ultimate panic !

i just don't feel right in my head - like i'm really unwell with some awful disease and that i'll die any day now ! :weep::weep::weep::weep::weep:

14-01-10, 20:32
I get that feeling every day!
Im constantly looking up symptoms of what I might have, and yes I do have symptoms that are real!
Panic sets in with me a lot of the day, and even when I wake in the night I panic.
I honestly dont know how much longer I can take this waiting for someone to tell me what is wrong with me, I darent make any plans for the future, its totaly took over my life!

14-01-10, 21:11
I get this every day too. It's horrible, I had a really bad night last night and thought I was going to die. I, like you visioned me collapsing, who would find me, all horrible stuff like that. But I didn't die, so I need to try and control these thoughts, I have no idea how though. I've had CBT and it's not helped.

I hope you learn to control your thoughts, but we need to remember that's all they are, Thoughts. When you do, please share some tips! :winks:

14-01-10, 21:54

I also get this alot i lost my mam very suddenly she just died without warning and i think this is where it stems from

and i miss her :weep:

14-01-10, 22:01
I have this every single day, repeatedly. The only time I am calm is when I am driving. For me it is just a matter of time :(

14-01-10, 23:30

I also get this alot i lost my mam very suddenly she just died without warning and i think this is where it stems from

and i miss her :weep:

I'm sorry to hear about your mam. It must be very hard for you.
I hope you feel better soon.


15-01-10, 09:13
My dad died relatively suddenly of heart attack, he had been ill for so long you don't expect the inevitable to happen but it did and I had my first serious panic attack that day. I know how you feel. Feel free to pm me x

15-01-10, 14:38
Hello :)

Yes i have had this to, when i first developed anxiety i convinced myself i was going to die that year, then i had to go on a plane and i though " this is the moment its going to happen" i could feel it in the pit of my stomach i just knew it!!! and then i came back safe and sound i thought hmmm thats strange but i know its going to happen soon!! so i was terrified to leave the house or go to sleep i kept thinking "todays the day im going to die"

After 2 years i realised hang on im still here, i must be wrong and believed that i had a mental illness and nothing more. Anxiety creates feelings of apprehension and crippling fear, these arnt real and it does take a while to accept that.

Take Care xx

16-01-10, 13:37
I was talking to someone who lived with this fear daily. She said that she was cured when she stopped being afraid of death by reading a book about fearing death. I will ask her what book next time I see her

01-03-10, 12:45
this is still crippling me day in and day out !
it's the one thought that triggers my anxiety !!

anyone else have any thoughts on this ?

01-03-10, 17:05
I only have these thoughts when I have the heart skips/palps but not generally.

Have you had cbt ---- there are also some decent self hypnosis tapes out there.

I know this sounds crass but, try saying over and over again, everything is fine, I am well, all is well and any positive statements like that. Try to override those thoughts. It takes time but this can and does work for irrational fears.

How we learn about death when we are young enough; that we will end and all things end...well its how that is managed I think. If its managed badly, or if we find out in a terrible way then it can leave a real fear of death.

remember ... beneath everyone's everyday thinking is the knowledge that we will end. We all keep it under wraps and yet, many things we do are to insure life, things we don't even consciously think about. So, we all fear death, or the majority do.

When it filters into everything, we have to develop a defense against it...some defences get us through everyday life. So to do this we have to convince our conscious thinking that it's all fine and that death is a long way off and not knocking at out door. The ay to do this is to ovverride the thoughts. You can do this by writing it down also.

margaret jones
01-03-10, 17:12
Yes my dear i have had this feeling in the past it was horrid i did manage to get over this and it went away for yrs but just to be mean it pops up to catch me out every so often . Hope yours goes away A S A P

Take Care Maggie

01-03-10, 17:42
I know exactly how you feel!

For several month's, at the start of my Hypochondria. Actually before I even knew Health Anxiety existed. ((Imagine the fear without knowing about Health Anxiety)) Those were the worst month's of my life, I ended up going to the doctors office several times a week, Call Emergency during the weekend, in the middle of the night. I even drove to the hospital once at 3 AM. I dont cry often but at that point I cried myself to sleep quite a few times, I was afraid to tell my friends & family because I knew they would call me crazy. I'd spend hours upon hours searching the web for "Reassureance" only to get oven more afraid. It wasn't untill I found out about Hypochondria - and shortly after this forum that I finally started to feel better.

Other then the occasional fear spell I get - Like once a month, I can say that i've fully recovered. All thanks to this forum.

Thank you all :3

01-03-10, 18:37
I'll be alright one minute, then gripped by fear the next! & I'm constantly expecting to drop down dead, or die in my sleep or get some horrible illness disease & be rushed to hospital. I imagine everything from being in the ambulance/hospital, lying on the floor dying, my family finding me/being upset from my death, the doctors telling them I've died to even my own funeral. It's a horrible thing that just won't leave me no matter how well I'm doing on the anxiety front, it's always there... :(