View Full Version : Hospital bag - Does anyone have one?

14-01-10, 20:34

I know this may seem wierd but I have put together myself a Hospital bag just in case I am admitted in to hospital. Due to the fact my life revolves around health worries. I hate anything medical so I have put a few things together to make my visit more like home.

Firstly I hate the open wards, listening to everyone elses suffering. That said I hate the little private rooms for the fact you are by yourself and scared.

My bag contains

Jim Jams
Soap and Shampoo
Face cloth
Toothpaste and Toothbrush
Dressing Gown
Magazine of crosswords (just in case the games machine is U/S)
Mp3 player and loads of batteries/Charger.
Games Machine and charger
Ear plugs (x4 just in case you loose some)
Eye Mask ( to get to sleep)
Mobile and Charger
Lavender oil for pillow.

Does anyone else have a pack up just in case or am I losing it:welcome: totally?


14-01-10, 20:39
Hello Mee,

I think there will be loads of people with hospital bags - I've almost done it before and my mother has one all packed!! It just shows you, you need to credit yourself for being practical, because even in the thick of anxiety you are still thinking forward and getting everything organised and prepared for the event!!

14-01-10, 20:58

Thanks for the reply. The worry is I use my bag to keep my Mp3 player in on a day by day basis. The bag is always ready and waiting for the inevitable.

May be others could say what they have in there bags so we can all compare notes and inspiration?


14-01-10, 21:05
Well, you seem to have thought about everything so there's not much to say apart from hope it goes well and you don't have to go into hospital after all.

14-01-10, 21:19
I'm not an HA sufferer but thought I would chip in anyway!

I spent a great deal of my young life and a considerable part of my adult life in hospitals due to my asthma which can be quite severe.

Due to this fact, one could say that I travel light as regards hospital bags, I have no intention of staying in one second longer than I absolutely have to. I'm usually admitted under a heck of a lot of protest :blush::D

So my bag reflects my feelings towards hospital admissions and their duration.

Nighties x2
Dont bother with a dressing gown, can use their cotton gowns instead.
Washbag with soap, washcloth, toothbrush and paste, hairbrush.
Clothes so I can make a hasty exit as soon as poss!

Thats it folks :D

Unless I was a "frequent visitor" I would certainly not bother with packing a bag, I would just have a washbag handy in a cupboard somewhere.

14-01-10, 22:38
Every time Ive been in hospital (appendix, pneumonia etc) and not had a bag prepared it has been bloody annoying coz hubby always brings the wrong goddamn nightie! No you r not mad, just very organized. I must take a leaf out of your book!

14-01-10, 22:55
I will have to post my hospital bag list lol.

Cos I was so ill last year I had a bag packed like a woman about to give birth. Each time the ambulance turned up I was ready to go lol.