View Full Version : When I Eat Healthy I Do Not Feel Depressed

14-01-10, 21:26
I was speaking with my counselor today and she recommended I make changes to my diet based on my own and my families food experiences. My Dad and middle Sister both have coeliac disease (gluten intolerance), my mum has IBS. My eldest sister and I have intolerance of dairy and gluten based foods too but we haven't been checked for coeliac disease specifically. My point is, when I eat healthy ie fruit, veg, low fat, fibre, cut out bread and reduce dairy, no processed foods, no sweets etc my depression has always wained. Trouble is its the chicken n egg situation. Im not sure which comes first. I was wondering if anybody else has noticed a drastic difference in their mood when they cut out certain items.Bread, caffeine n chocolate are a killer for me. Chocolate REALLY makes me sleepy, headachy and low.Bread swells my tummy and gives me cramps. These foods make me feel dreadful ly low and yet I crave them the most! I really believe I need to make these changes to help heal myself. Does anybody have any feelings on this please? Ive always said to my friends "I am what I eat" and in turn they have told me that I'm at my happiest when Im eating healthy and exercising!It isnt just psychological, Im convinced my brain benefits too.I would really welcome any comments on this. Thank you.

14-01-10, 21:44
I think it probably does do your body good to eat well, but I really think it is a psychological thing. When we eat well and exercise we instantly feel good about ourselves, we are no longer chucking rubbish in our bodies and it gives us a lift. You feel vitalised and this also gives you a lift. You can visualise yourself in weeks/months to come looking toned and slender and this really makes you feel good. It is a great feeling. But when you stray off it you come down to earth with a bump and feel sluggish and low again. I've been there many times. There's a lot to be said for eating well and exercising. It's one of the best things you can do for mind and body.

14-01-10, 22:27
Myra. Totally agree,although I am physically affected by many of the foods I eat (constipation, diarroehea, pain, bloating, tiredness etc etc) but
why do I crave all the things that make me feel absolutely dreadful? Its madness on my part. Ive been to the gym every day this week n yet yesterday I ate a box of 4 chocolate covered sponge cakes (4 cup cakes not sandwiches I hasten to add!!!) in one go for lunch. I had wicked pains in my stomache a half hour later. Today I had sushi for lunch with a banana n yoghurt and instead of cooking dinner for myself this evening (daughter had school dinner n hubby is away working) I ate a bowl of porridge with semi s milk n banana followed by TWO bowls of fruit n fibre (Im talking bowl fulls not a tiny portion). Ive had gut ache AGAIN! Thought exercise was supposed to help cravings!I need to sort this out I know coz i cant keep eating like this and I love healthy food too.:huh:

15-01-10, 00:08
Hi Smudger - when I cut out all the rubbish in my diet and remember to take a mutivitamin and also eat loads of salad, fresh fruit and veggies, I am definately less anxious. Other people in my life notice it too.

Its so hard not to comfort eat though especially in this weather!

15-01-10, 12:45
Hi, I have IBS too and acid reflux. When I first got IBS I was told it should get better so after a couple of months I went back to my old diet. But a few months later I was back to horrible cramping pains whenever I ate. I think when you are intolerant to foods, eating them makes you feel low and because of the pain and horrible symptoms they bring on. Giving up them is so hard. I was irritable and very depressed when I gave up chocolate 2 years ago. It did get better over time though. I think in the short term, foods containing high amounts of sugar and fat make us all feel good, but for people with IBS, the consequences are horrible.

Start out with a simple diet and eat small amounts more regularly. Don't just have a few big meals or a couple of restrained meals and then binge. I was ill recently and only ate mashed bananas and cooked apple for a week. Once your digestive system has stabilised, try to find some recipes for things like soups and salads that don't contain ingredients you're intolerant to. I found new foods I didn't eat before. I guess I am less depressed when I eat healthily, lots of fruit and veg and low fat protein, no sweets or junk food, but I do still crave things I can't have.

I find it depressing when I'm with other people and they don't understand my problems. I feel increased anxiety in social situations because I can't eat or drink most things and it's awkward at other people's houses, at work and eating in restaurants. Oh and as a student, being intolerant to alcohol and most soft drinks made going to bars pretty boring and frustrating.

15-01-10, 14:54
Slothette, Im so glad you have noticed this too. Its not just me then, n like you, my friends notice how different I am!

Unspoken, must be a nightmare for you.Social situations must be the worst. When I take my dad out for a meal I have to do a post or rather pre mortam on the menu to make sure he eats no gluten. He rarely eats dessert as there is never a gluten free choice! Now my sister has been diagnosed with Coeliacs disease too like dad and acid relux like you, meals at my house are gonna be a nightmare coz Mom has IBS too! I just make sure when we eat out that the waitress checks everything and any restaurant worth its weight in gold would know about varying dietary needs these days. Its important your friends know how ill it makes you so they are sensitive to your needs. You still need to socialise!Im having to give up even one glass of wine because it has dire consequences when mixed with my medication. God I miss that little red vino!

15-01-10, 19:44
I find healthy eating and exercise HUGELY important. It helped me deifinitely.

15-01-10, 21:14
I think that there is a lot more evidence now to support that what we put in our bodies does not just affect us physically but mentally too..If i am feeling especially anxious or going through a depressive episode then i try to avoid wheat products,caffeine & sugary foods..There is a very useful book called Food & Mood by Amanda Geary which i have found very interesting.. Whenever i eat too much bread and other wheat products i feel very bloated,tired and lethargic and low.Lots of people have wheat intolerance without realising it..

15-01-10, 21:16
I know I feel better in myself when I eat properly but when I'm starting to get anxious or depressed I get into really bad habits. I've just gone through a few months when I really didn't eat properly at all. I'm trying to get back into eating better so I'll see what effect it has on my mood.

My therapist has told me that eating certain foods including green veg, fish, eats, poultry and oats provides the enzymes that make seretonin so I'm trying to do that.

I know that drinking caffeine makes me anxious. I've been drinking decaff for months but I've run out at the moment. I can feel the difference already. My heart is beating like crazy!!

20-01-10, 21:01
Just wanted to say Im eating healthy and I feel so much better. Hope it lasts!

20-01-10, 21:09
I'm really happy for you. Just shows you how making a determined effort to eat healthily does your mind the world of good. It's definitely worth it. I've been watching my diet the last few days and swimming every day and it does definitely lift your mood.

20-01-10, 21:16
Keep it up Smudger, if you can resist the stuff that makes you feel bad it sounds like you have a great way to shake of your bad feelings. I am always better when I eat healthy and excercise but i REALLY struggle resisting chocolate!! Good luck with it

21-01-10, 17:06
Thank you myra and jimpy. I concur with the chocolate comment!

21-01-10, 17:29
:yesyes:i agree that healthy food can make you feel better - ive seen it in the media that there is proof the high fat and sugar content of junk food can make depression worse and maybe even cause it?:ohmy:

21-01-10, 19:32
Yep completely agree, I never eat processed food, very very rarely. Due to my living circumstances, Ive only had use of a microwave, and have really noticed how low it makes me feel not eating fresh food.

21-01-10, 21:17
kate1, there are loads of recipes using fresh ingredients you can cook in a microwave. I often use the convection oven part of the microwave too as its more cost effective than the oven.I think microwaves have had some bad press recently though but I just cant summon up the willpower to build a camp fire in my back garden! Anyway, byelaws wont allow it before 6pm where I live! lol!