View Full Version : panic attack whilst driving!!!!

andrea thompson
14-01-10, 22:03
i had been feeling anxious all afternoon at work... occasional palpitations and feeling a bit floaty but i managed to keep the feelings at bay... on the way home was chatting to my work pal... and then got a funny pain in my chest for like a split second then wham fealt hot, faint, sick, head spinning... i came off the motorway at the next exit... then had to try to regulate my breathing and get myself home... when i got in i jst burst into tears... i have had loads of panic attacks but never in the car... i was so scared.. it was awful... has this happened to any of you?? what if it happens again???

14-01-10, 22:15
My panic attacks started in the car and I still have problems with driving today but I made great steps towards recovery with CBT.

I have a huge thread you can read if you want to and I will find it for you.

andrea thompson
14-01-10, 22:27
oh cheers nicola... that would be great.... x x

14-01-10, 22:36
It is quite long Andrea but you can skim over it.

I have also put some tips for coping with panic whilst driving on the coping website page on the left.

Happy reading lol


andrea thompson
14-01-10, 22:50
thankyou it will be a real help...

i seem to benefit from lots of reassurance and understanding how it all works helps me to cope with it all... cheers again

andrea x x

14-01-10, 22:54
The thread is very long cos I documented each CBT session I had but there are some great tips in there for coping etc.

15-01-10, 10:44
Hi Andrea

Not sure what to advise, but I wanted to say I know how you feel.
I have had many panic attacks whilst driving, and its really not nice.

Im stuck in the fear cycle now when I drive, as im always anticipating it happening again. I dont like driving because of it, so Its really one of the big things I need to overcome too.

Try not to think to much about that particular incident. Instead think and remind yourself of the times you have driven before, and it has all gone well. Stay calm and positive.

Sorry not really any help to you.
Good luck

15-01-10, 11:55
Hi there Andrea.....yes I have had a couple of bad PAs in the car when driving on the motorway and had to stop and wonder how on earth I was going to get home. Mine were both in periods of stress in my life, after my mother died and when coming back from a relatives funeral. The first time I went on a long journey after my husband died, I just kept telling myself that I could get off at the next exit ..all the 200 miles that I had to travel. When I managed that I felt more confident. I drive a lot still and have not had any more attacks, so you may never have another one. Sorry haven't been too much help but sure that Nicola's help and advice will be really useful. Just wanted you to know that you are not alone and that there is a real chance that you will not experience such a severe attack again ( I know how the fear of it can affect you though)
PS My worst one was exactly like yours right to the sharp chest pain and ensuing feeling of illness and faintness. Take care and wishing you all the best. XX

15-01-10, 16:05
Driving is where my panic attacks started. I continued driving through them but it got so bad that I knew stopping at a read light was going to trigger one. Eventually I could not drive...This went on for about 10 years until I got my Panic/Anxiety under control and could drive again.

Good Luck Andrea

andrea thompson
15-01-10, 21:39
thankyou everyone

your replies help so much.... really..... it helps just to be re assured that i am not the only one stressing....


andrea x x

16-01-10, 12:00
hi ive been the same never realy got to me until the snow and sitting in traffic jams on way to work the traffic jams have always been there and had odd moments but now wake feeling anxious about school runs,and traffic jams i cant let this happen coz i have to drive no alternative at all this makes it worse knowing this

16-01-10, 21:19
Hi there,

I get most of mine while driving. You will get through it just like you did that day. I have had thousands while driving. I'm used to them but since yours just started I think what you did was the best you could do pull over till you get yourself together. Even if you have to pull over several times. It will not hurt you there just frustrating:)

17-01-10, 21:46
Hi there...

I used to take panic attacks in the car. I think this is largely due to my attacks starting after a car crash. For example, when sitting in a queue of traffic or at traffic lights, I would look in my rear view mirror and if someone was driving up behind me I would start to get palpitations. The way I have dealt with this is basically to stop looking in my mirror while stationary unless I absolutely have to and it is working for me. I hope you feel better soon xXx