View Full Version : Please reassure me. I dont know where else to turn

15-01-10, 00:42
There something wrong with my throat.
It feels really odd.
Tight maybe? But kinda not..
Its like someones lightly pressing in a VERY awkward spot, and its making my throat walls kinda push together, and irritate.. everytime I breathe in, this happens aswel. Its the scariest syptom ive EVER had.. And Ive had alot.

Has anyone else had this? If so, PLEASE describe exactly what you felt. Your reassurance will help me so much, I cant even begin to explain how much I need it right now. Im on the edge of my chair, just praying ill get an answer. I guess im desperate, cus I keep thinking its closing up :'(

Please help ME!!!! :weep:

(I almost feel like its ITCHY and could make me gag or have a really itchy, tickly cough aswel)

15-01-10, 01:41
i was reading this article yesteday from this NMP site. I hope it helps.

Throat tightening/Choking/Swallowing problems

What you feel:

Often one of the first symptoms of anxiety. People complain of feeling as though they will choke or being strangled. In reality its not nearly so dramatic - the muscles in the throat contract and salivary glands produce thick mucus leading to a feeling of restriction around the throat, it can produce a feeling that you are having difficulty swallowing or breathing. In fact you are not having difficulty, it just feels as though you are. You also get a dry mouth and it can feel like you cannot drink but you can.
You feel as though there is something stuck in your throat or sometimes feel there is a lump in your throat. Other times you may feel that you can barely swallow or that there is a tightness in the throat, or that you have to really force yourself to swallow. Sometimes this feeling can lead you to think that you may suffocate or get something stuck in your throat.
What causes this:

When in danger, stress biology produces a tightening in the throat muscles which produces the choking or 'something stuck in the throat' feeling. When in a nervous or stressful situation, many people will experience this feeling. It is often referred to as 'a lump on your throat'.
There is minimal danger of choking or suffocating under normal conditions, however, some people are very sensitive to things in their throat and therefore caution should always be observed when eating. Chewing food thoroughly andslowly will prevent inadvertently swallowing something that may provoke someone to gag. This symptom can come and go, and may seem to intensify if one becomes focused on it.

15-01-10, 03:09
Your symptom is most likely a phenomenon known as Globus Hystericus and results from a parasympathetic response by the vagus nerve acting upon the larnyx. Patients often feel as though their airway may be restricted and in some cases, the swallow reflex becomes uncoordinated as patients attempt to resolve the discomfort and is often present in persons with anxiety or siginificant stress.

This sensation can also be initiated by post-viral syndromes that among other things can cause the throat to become particularly dry and feel as though a foreign object may be lodged in the airway. It can be quite distracting and can sometimes last for several weeks to several months in rare instances.

The other common underlying cause can sometimes be due to GERD, which irritates the mucuous membranes in the esophageal corridor most often during the night while lying down. Sore throat and hoarseness are common symptoms upon awakening, together with a sensation of a foreign body in the throat.

Also realize that as long as respiration is generally normal without stridor or other difficulty, then your airway is not actually impeded but merely feels that way. It cannot cause you to suffocate or choke. The key is to realize that it's not a sign of such trouble, but merely a sensory problem that will soon resolve. Swallowing small sips of water or other clear liquids often help to relieve fear and discomfort.

You'll be fine.

Rutheford Rane, MD (ret.)