View Full Version : gallstones

15-01-10, 01:57
hi i just had ultrasound that said i have a large gallstone and i have to meet with a surgeon, just wondering if anyone can tell me their experience with the surgery and how they were afterwards...i have 3 children and want to figure out how long i will be down for and plus major fear of anesthesia!

15-01-10, 07:31
I had my gallbladder taken out in late 2005, I had been in pain for years and got sick of it so i eventually went to the doctor and he found about 6+ medium sized ones.

I went in for pre surgery check up, to get weighed :blush: and to make sure that i wasn't allergic to anything. The morning of the surgery, i had fasted since 12pm the night before, i was really nervous so they gave me some happy shot that made me feel kinda high? The next thing I knew was i was waking up. I had micro something surgery, i can't remember the name :ohmy: just 4 small cuts one under my boobs, 2 on the right side of my stomach and one right in the middle of my belly button. I only had day surgery so i was out the next morning. Pain wasn't too bad but what was more annoying than anything was the pain in my shoulder from the gas they fill you with, i had to hold my arm up to make the pain go away, so make sure you take one of those heat packs with you.

I didn't have any kids back then but i was told not to lift anything heavy for about 2 weeks. Pain days after that was more annoying than anything, i had a little bruising where the inscisions where.

If you're feeling scared or nervous about the anesthesia ask for something, it really makes you feel better.

It's not all that bad, the pain from the gallstone attacks were far worse than the pain after surgery. but beware TMI once you have your gallbladder out you're prone to the runs for the rest of your life :doh:

15-01-10, 09:23
i had my gall bladder out in 2007
i had four kids living at home back then...
i had it done by keyhole surgery.
it was fine afterwards i realised just how rough i had been feling for years.
yes i too was not allowed to lift anything for 2 weeks...but the recovery was good and in that time i had my apetite back.
if you want to chat about it give me a pm...
you will feel loads better for getting it sorted.

15-01-10, 10:16
My sister had gall stones and also had keyhole surgery, it's amazing what they can do these days, she was in a bit of pain after, well you would be wouldn't you with all the poking about, but after a couple of weeks she was running about again:)