View Full Version : Sax!

15-01-10, 06:37
:shades: Hey Guys xxxx Its Sax,

Well hello there old friends and new not yet aquainted. Yes its Da Sax!!!

Hey Boss, site is looking fab x Well I thought I'd pop in and say 'hi' if thats ok. Its been a while but never tooo far away :winks:

I'm a long term member of this site and have suffered a few issues as we all do, this site has seen me through some very dark times and is a Godsend with some very special people behind it. :bighug1:

The basic update is I'm in a good place. :yesyes:
I suffer with Depression, anxiety and social phobia. A year ago I was on 40mg Citalopram which I'd been on for about 4 years and Diazepam. Currently after a tough long year 2009 I'm now medication free and although I don't beleive i'm cured (not sure if anyone whose had depression ever is totally?!) but i'm certainly in short words - pretty stable! Its not been an easy ride and withdrawal from Citalopram and pretty much abuse of which (at times taking far more than prescribed of both anti Ds and diazepam) hasn't been a ball.

So just thought I'd come along to say 'hi' and its so nice to see the site still running, giving its support and people being a rock for one another.

I might catch some folk sometime in chat (internet connection is pretty intermittent with one of em dongle jobbies) so if you want to here more then it would be good to chat sometime.

My best advice to anyone in a dark place is support of a or some good friends is the paramount ingredient to getting better! Its been my life saver. (literally)

So for now ta ta and give an encouraging word to a friend today, it WILL make all the difference.

Love you all and hope to speak to some of you soon

much love Sax xxx:shades::hugs:

15-01-10, 06:41
Hi Sax

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

15-01-10, 08:20
Good to hear from you. Like you, I'm not on here much any more but do remember you from my early days on the site. Glad things are going better for you - great role model - I too hope to be medication free at some point :hugs:

15-01-10, 09:20
hi sax!
its good to hear from you...
yes im still here too lol
they just cant get rid of me.
its good to hear you are doing well.
was only the other day in chat we were wondering where people go and how they are doing once they stop useing the site so much.
hope you get to pop into chat sometime.

15-01-10, 09:54
:yesyes: Hey Rach and all, cheers for reply, its good to see you.

Ty Jo for comment about being a good role model, I really hope to be, to inspire people that it won't always be like it is....... not everyone receptive to hear that, sounds same old, same old same old and there was a time when I didn't beleive that either!
Its easy to say it from this side and look back and very (maybe impossible) to hear from when suffering in a deep depression or suffering daily from anxiety that things will change but its true, nothing stays the same and time doesn't stand still even though its what Ive often wanted.

I hated my life, I was depressed and I've been suicidal on three specific occassions. I was surrounded in deep debt and very anxious a lot of the time, had numerous panic attacks but mainly just anx daily.
I should have been thankful for having a husband and three lovely boys but I couldn't see that, I almost lost him and the children.
We went bancrupt and now discharged after only 8 months :yahoo:and with the close support of an amazing friend I withdrew from my medications. I had the side effects and the extreme mood swings, the life outlook was stabilizing but i still couldn't see it.
I can now :yesyes: but as I say this is looking back from the other side of the fence.

Please see this as an encouraging message not a patronizing 'I've been there' type message.

I do understand, people do! Give someone a chance to help you, I think its impossible on your own but with support, true (honest - not out for they can get out of it) support then yessssssssssssss it is possible.

And................ past is past! present is NOW SO LET THE PAST GO move on (and I do appreciate we often have to go over the past to heal those wounds) and you will know when its time to say I want to try to get better. Small steps lead to the path of improvement. Just one positive thought today if its more than you had yesturday is a start.....

love you all xxxxx Sax :shades::hugs:

15-01-10, 19:23
Hi Sax

Lovely to see you again and i am so happy you are doing well :hugs:
It's always reassuring to here stories like this!
Speak soon

15-01-10, 19:29
Sax lass xxxx
Nice to see you again :)

15-01-10, 19:31
Hi Sax

Still calling me boss I see :winks:

Lovely to see you back and so pleased you are doing so well now

A HUGE well done :bighug1: