View Full Version : red patch on hard palate (so panicing as google reports the scary diagnosis)

15-01-10, 09:38
Just when I stop panicing about my tongue I come up with something else!

On the hard palate in my mouth, about half way back in my throat on the bone that runs through the middle of the palate I can feel a slightly raised bump. I had a look in the mirror 9angling with another mirror to see lol) and theres a little red area on top of where the bone is (a spec of red really) and to either side of the bone in line with this there are red patches (no idea if theyve just appeared or been there a while, never looked at this area before). They feel slightly tender and I have been playing with the area with my tongue (praying why this is that its so red, first noticed it late last night around 11pm, but the redness is still there this morning).

Well I googled red patch on palate and every single result that comes up says a sign of mouth cancer!!! Hence im freaking out big time! There is not a suggestion of what else it could be!

Has anyone had anything like this and its not been sinister, am I overreacting. Ive been to docs twice this week (regarding other things that didnt turn out to be much) so cant really go again staright away as think they all ready thought I was a bit ridiculous lol..... replies appreciated!

15-01-10, 09:44
Hi There

Firstly I am going to tell you off for googling!! Not to be done, even though I am a culprit.

I have had things like this before, quite often I may have scratched the roof of my mouth by eating something hard/abbrasive, ie; crisps bread etc... and it has caused a sore spot in my mouth.

If your worried Louise go see the Dentist. In the meantime gargle with salt in warm water, and swill around the mouth. Will clear out any inpurities!

TC and big hugs



15-01-10, 10:02
Hi there,

i totally agree with Ems post. As ive said your mouth is sensitive and changes daily. I know this because i have spent hours with mirrors and torches :blush:. I have found all sorts of lumps, bumps, patches etc and driven myself and my family mad, only for them to disappear after a few days. I ended up trapping/inflaming a nerve in my jaw (combination of opening mouth at such an angle & anxiety) and causing myself pain that lasted years. I still have flare ups which is why i am visiting this site at the moment.
Do you see a dentist reguarly? I see one 6 monthly. They look out for nasties for you. Anything else give it two weeks (not looking every minute of every day!) and if its not gone by then - check it out.
Don't do what ive done. Ive permantly damaged a nerve and when i am stressed its the first thing to go. Its agony at times.
See your doc about some sort of CBT.
anx x

15-01-10, 10:35

Thanks for the posts, I am working on positive it could just be some kind of minor irritation thoughts right now! I know what you mean about stressing your jaw out ive been twisting my jaw/neck at all srts of angles last few days and I did get aslight pain in my ear yesterday so stopped for a while. I havent looked much today so its a start.

I dont think ive hurt my mouth on any sharp foods recently or burnt it, and I think I have felt this bump on the bone before, ive just never looked at it, so Im just thinking it and the surrounding skin/gum (however you refer to it) could have been red quite a while, Ive never actually loked before (dont know how I missed this area lol!)

I have seen a dentist recently, because I thought I had a small cavity, which I did (but im not a terribly regular dentist goer, though I have scheduled my next 6 monthly dentist appointment and I am seeing a gum specialist for an overgrowth of gum tissue, smething like a fibroma he thinks caused by ireegularly placed teeth and maybe the gum has got a little swollen....this is another reason Im thinking mouth cancer, the gum hes looking at snt the hard palate though is on the top gum not the bottom) but he would have probs just been looking at my teeth and maybe the gums, this is right far back on my hard palate so im thinking maybe he wouldnt have been able to see it. I have also been to see a hygienist twice in the last 6 months but again she would have maybe just been concentrating on looking for signs of plaque as oppose to looking at my hard palate.

Hope your ok and not in alot of pain anxious xx

p.s. I know googling is very bad, its terrible temptation though as I work at a computer all day! I may make another appointment at my dentist and point it out to him later today I think- not sure if he will know though, hes just a regular dentist and not a specialist in determining this kind of things I dont suppose. Am I being too hasty to make an appointment, im going for the dentist as think my docs surgery will probs strike me off for calling them 3 times in a week.

Im 26 and female by the way, I have been told its usually 50+ heavy smokers who are are at risk of you know what, but I just think you never know, theres always unexplained occurrences, and I do drink alcohol and like many in my generation sometimes fairly regularly and to excess sometimes (Ifeel v scared this could have caused it, but then half of my age group wouldbe getting it if that was the case I guess). Ive vowed to not drink much ever again in future. Plus what I was at docs about twice this weeks was one tonsil bigger than the other (and i think i have a small pink nodule/growth on the bigger one though doc says they can be lumpy, not sure she saw it) but the doc seemed dismissive and just that it was bigger but unless I can notice it getting even bigger then not a reason to worry.

15-01-10, 16:40