View Full Version : cancer dream - now freaking out

15-01-10, 10:00
have had 101 things to stress and worry about including possible (probable) miscarriage .. anyway, last night i dreamt that my gp was telling me a 4 part test for cervical cancer had come back positive - you can imagine i freaked out in the morning!
with cancer being my biggest health anxiety fear, i have kind of been worrying that i havent had a test for 5 years and was planning to then got pregnant and then worried that i wouldnt be able to have a test for several months
does anyone know anything about dreams, im trying to tell myself that its more symbolic rather than prophetic . as i have so many awful things going on at the moment - strangely enough 4 major things (possibly = the 4 part test results) and my worse fear miscarriage (yet again) was possibly happening .. perhaps that manifested itself in the dream, ie my worst anxiety fear cancer was being confirmed?
does anyone else have terrible dreams with their worse fears becoming a reality?
needless to say im going to book myself in for a smear test as soon as i possibly can!

15-01-10, 10:33
I posted a couple of weeks ago about my dreams as I have always had very vivid dreams that I can remember next day - this did not bother me other than when I had a dream like yours but realised that I had had your type of dreams for past 20 yrs occasionally but then I read a dream dictionery- don't do this - because these awful things give scary meanings to innocent things and just make you worry more.

Dreams are merely your brain sifting through everything thats happened or thought during the day bit like housekeeping!

15-01-10, 10:47
First of all a big hug :hugs: and please please dont freak out.

I have had this many many times!! the first time it happened i was wondering if my dream was telling me something until it happened again!

I was worried about M.S and i was having sooo many dreams that i went to the doctor and he told me i had it, i also was worried about a brain tumour on a different occasion and i dreamt i went to the optician (i was due to see him that week) and he told me i had a brain tumour.

Dreams alot of the time are manifestations of what your subconcious has been thinking about, if you are worrying about cervical cancer then its not surprising you dreamt about it.

I am worried about breast cancer at the moment can you guess what alot of mu dreams have been based around?


Cell block H fan
15-01-10, 12:04
Ive dreamt family members have died, years ago that was, & they are still going strong! I am not a believer in dreams meaning anything more than reflecting what you are worried about, & sometimes not even that!
When I use stop smoking patches I have very vivid dreams. Thats caused by the ingredients of the patches, nothing to do with the actual content of the dream. If that made sense x

15-01-10, 13:02
I had a dream once that I was dead. I was still walking around and didn't believe it but when I tried to talk to people they couldn't see or hear me so I had to accept it was true - how distressed was I when I woke up?!

Our minds work in strange enough ways when we are conscious don't they? After all isn't our anxiety due to our thoughts? It is no wonder we dream all sorts of strange things when we're asleep.

Anyway don't let it worry you hun. It really was just a dream.

15-01-10, 13:17

Glad it's not just me who gets this a lot.

I have had regular dreams where I was told I had cancer, AIDS, M.S and even Swine Flu. It's horrible. You wake up pretty much thinking it's happened in real life and you are terrified to go to the doctors to get this confirmed as you will believe its true.

I dreamt stuff like my mum smashing a glass of mine in a dream and she actually did it, which didn't help at all.

But maybe I heard a smashing noise when I was half asleep and she done it then and the glass was a huge big Erdinger one. Very unique. And was my favourite. And I never wanted it smashed.

I even had one last night , very vivid, with my uncle telling me at the weekend during a football game he was dying.

You really are not alone with it. I have had it for a year and a half now.

15-01-10, 15:13

I agree with all the other posts when they talk of what is worrying you when you are awake , is reflected in your dreams. There are not many people who have vivid dreams or dreams like your having, would say that they dreamt they won the lottery, or if they had they wouldnt worry about it in case it happened in real life, but we seem to attached meaning to negative dreams, but never to the positive ones.
Its just you worry getting carried into your sleep x