View Full Version : Falling Sensation

15-01-10, 11:01
Just as I am relaxing in bed but not asleep - this is not the sudden physical jerk where your whole body jumps - this is a sensation as if I have suddenly shot down the bed but haven't moved at all physically.
I know others have posted about this in the past.
I have had it on and off for about 10 yrs and about 7 yrs ago went through a bad few months where I would get it every night and it would take me about an hour to get to sleep because every few minutes as I relaxed to fall asleep, wham I would have that second of intense falling sensation which would make my heart race for a few moments until eventually I would fall asleep.
At the time my GP kept saying it was anxiety and I have since noticed that if I race around especially doing anything mentally like working on accounts just before bed then I get it that night.
Yesterday I had 3 mugs of very strong coffee at a friends house as she only has horrible tasting tea! I usually only have occasional caffeinated coffeee as it makes my heart skip beats and I was wide awake when I went to bed last night. Within 3 mins of laying down I had the most awful sensation as if I had shot off the bed that left me shaking and trembling and my heart racing and it took about an hour of having the feeling every 5 months before I fell asleep. I woke up this morning and although I was still getting the sensations when I tried to go back to sleep it wasn't quite as strong.
I am terrified that I will get as bad as I did 7 yrs ago where I got to dread going to bed knowing what was going to happen.
Does anyone else get this - my husband who does not in any way have health anxiety says he gets this occasionally but of course he doesn't worry about getting it again the next night.

15-01-10, 16:43
Hi There,
Yes I sometimes get this jumping feeling when im dozing off to sleep and also get a feeling off stopping breathing too which makes me jump out of my sleep also sometimes I wake up startled because I think I cant see and something has happened to my eyes..my eyes always cause me to panic really bad. I went through a stage of not wanting to go to bed like you but the more you think about it the worse it will be, try to have a calming drink before bed and maybe reading a book or something try to relax and dont worry this happens to alot of people believe me...take care x