View Full Version : Worried about calf pain

anx mum
15-01-10, 13:40
:weep: Just took my son 2 school is a 20 min walk now im in complete agony. Wish i knew what is wrong would an ultra sound show up a clot im really scared?

15-01-10, 15:01
Hey there

I really think you need to call/go see your GP. You sound like your really distressed right now.

As i said in the PM a clot would show up on an ultrasound. If your really worried, go to A & E later. I know its not the best advice and does not sort the Health Anxiety stuff, but, they will give you extra tests and hopefully that may put your mind at rest

Big Hugs

15-01-10, 16:21
You will not be able to get over this if your thinking about it constantly which you must be to post here everyday. You really need to get some professional help to help you control your thoughts and your mind so you can get over this sort of thing.

15-01-10, 16:25
I really feel for you. Your situation is made more difficult because you obviously have schoolchildren to attend to. Your doctor needs to give you more help. Sounds like you are in a living hell. You've got to help yourself as well, but what's your doctor doing for you? My goodness, there's so much treatment available. You shouldn't be suffering like this.

15-01-10, 16:32
I quite agree, you should either go back to your doctor or go to A.&.E. and try to get this sorted out its probably nothing but as myra has said you are in a living hell...Sometimes the doctors are not good my doctor was laughing at me this morning because I went to see him as my ears are really bad and I could see something in my eye..I was very distressed and upset but all he did was sit and giggle and tell me that Im absolutely fine he made me feel really stupid...If I was you I would get a sitter for the children and you and your husband or partner go to A&E. Atleast then you will deffinately get this sorted out...goodluck x

anx mum
15-01-10, 16:32
to jay only post cos im so worried here alone with 2 kids with a pain running down my leg low with anima. Yes it is a living hell want 2 b well want 2 go bk 2 work and plan 4 my wedding not like this

anx mum
15-01-10, 16:37
scared if i go to a&e there keep me in hate hospitals

15-01-10, 16:40
I agree with Myra - is your GP giving you some medication for all your anxiety? There are many options for you if pregabalin isn't helping anymore.

You've suffered for such a long time now and I think it's time you got some real support.

15-01-10, 16:43
Most people hate hospitals anx mum but they are there to make us better. If they needed to keep you in it would be for a very good reason.

At the end of the day, If you did have something wrong with you, would you want it to carry on making you feel poorly or would you want it treated?

And if there's nothing wrong wouldn't you rather know that and be free of the worry?

anx mum
15-01-10, 16:43
just feel its something all the time get myself right then wham bk 2 square 1. Thanks for all ur replies x

anx mum
16-01-10, 10:04
Went to hospital last night like many of u told me to do. Was in complete agony doc didnt even examine me just said u need 2 b referred 2 a orthopaedic clinic. Left thinking what a waste of time had a restless night my other leg had a cramping pain in.:weep: sick of this just wont 2 b well

16-01-10, 10:07
I think it's time you were referred to an orthopaedic doctor. Leg pain can be caused by ortho problems, it doesn't have to be something like blood clots. They might even refer you for physiotherapy because that may even be what you need. Don't despair. Hopefully you'll get to the root of this problem soon and it'll put your mind at rest. I hope so.

anx mum
16-01-10, 10:24
Thanx myra just feel so fed up with it all. Mad still worried bout a clot even tho i have had ultra sound think maybe its cos my mum died from pe. Feel frustrated cos can hardly walk. Hope ur ok?

16-01-10, 10:36
I am okay thanks, just have the usual ectopic heartbeats but trying to live with them! What happened to your mum will have affected you greatly. But always remember, this doesn't have to mean you too have the same prognosis. You've been left feeling overwrought and anxious and that's why you're going down a path of constant aches and pains and struggling to get through. An ultrasound will have showed up a clot so be reassured by this. Try to think of your leg pain as something that can be helped by pain relief, physiotherapy, etc. It doesn't have to be something serious. Ortho and physio clinics are full to bursting with people suffering from limb pain, and not all serious. It sounds to me as though your anxiety has taken over your life at the moment and I think your doctor can be a great help with this. Go back to them time and time again if need be. You can get through this with the right help.

anx mum
16-01-10, 14:00
thanks myra for your kinds words been bk 2 docs this am told me 2 double my pain relief. My mum died suddendly of a PE but before this she had a brain bleed and stroke she was 53. Got 2 see a ortho jan 27 seems along way away again thanx xx bev