View Full Version : Introducing Lindor

15-01-10, 15:42
I'm not a stranger to panic attacks. I first suffered them many years ago when married to my jealous, possesive, bullying first husband.
At the time, because I had an agrophobic neighbour, I could talk to her and understand these emotions, irrational thoughts and terrible fears I was going through.
I read up on them and I learnt to control them myself and after a year they faded.
I eventually divorced that husband from whom I had three children...and when my eldest was 17, I remarried and had a 4th child.

Apart from problems with my teenagers, I was happily married and apart from once in a blue moon (very mildly) I never suffered again from panic/anxiety attacks.

Until two years ago.

Four years ago I was diagnosed with having contracted Hepatitus C. It turned out I got it from a blood transfusion after the birth of my 4th child in 1982 before they had started testing for Hep C in blood.
My eldest son was horrified. He had dabbled in drugs for years and he couldnt believe that I had been clean living and got Hep C whereas he didnt have it.
He committed suicide 6 months later, not just because of that but for many reasons and as he and I had often had rows I was left devastated and so guilty.
People said I was strong but I wasnt.
I then had to go through the gruelling Hep C treatment for 6 months which is as devastating as chemptherapy. I got very weak and most of my hair fell out. But I cleared the virus.
Shortly after that, my elder daughter (also suffering from her brothers death and having councelling) fell out with me, which badly upset me. She did not live in the same county as me so we did not contact for a year. Thats when the panic attacks started to reappear with me.

I made it up with her and tried to control my panic attacks. My thoughts were scary and irrational. I tried herbal treatments, Rescue Remedy, Kalms sleep etc.
But just before Christmas I just felt I wasnt coping, we have been going through a house sale and our potential buyer was causing such stress, first saying he had the money to buy our house and then saying he didnt have it for another month or more. At this time we have offered on a house ourselves and dont know whats happening. STRESS!

So I went to the doctor and she has put me on Cipralex which is helping. I still have the occasional wobble but the medication is helping me to cope.
I found this site when looking up info about the medication out of curiosity.

So, thats my story. Thanks for reading


15-01-10, 15:46
Hi lindor

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

15-01-10, 15:57

Welcome along to NMP :flowers:

You have gone through so much and i'm really not surprised that your panic attacks have re-appeared.

I truely hope we can be of help and support to you.


16-01-10, 12:56
Thanks all for the welcome. I have been reading my way around the site and I do feel for everyone going through similar things. So I'm here not just for support myself but if I can help anyone else along the way.
Brilliant site.

16-01-10, 13:01
Hello Lindor,
I have been a member on here for about a week, and it's great the other people on here are so friendly and nice. I'm feeling terrible today, but being on here helps take my mind off things. I hope you too will like it on here and get lots out of it,
Best Regards Wayne.

16-01-10, 13:04
Hi Lindor and welcome.

You have been on a rollercoaster, sorry to read about the past, but here is looking to a better future for you.


Kitty Kazanage
16-01-10, 20:41
Heyy Lindor

I'm New To This Site Aswell.
I'm So Sorry To Read About Your Past. You've Been Through So Much.
Just Hope This Site And The People On It Can Help And Support You Through It All.
