View Full Version : Why am I doing this to myself?

15-01-10, 16:15
Earlier this week (Tuesday) after an xray and CT scan I was diagnosed with some tonsil infection which was pressing on my lymph node therefore causing me to feel like something was in my throat. I was given Cipro to take for 10 days. I still have the "feeling" in my throat at times. Maybe I haven't given the antibiotic time to work, I don't know. NOW I am second guessing the accuracy of the CT scan. Worried to death I still have some sort of cancer. I'm imagining all sorts of aches and pains in my lymph nodes in my neck and under the arm. I specifically said to the doctor....the results of the CT scan mean NO CANCER, right? He replied emphatically yes, no cancer. Why am I now second guessing instead of just taking the diagnosis, taking my med and dismissing it from my mind? This is driving me crazy not to mention what it is doing to my family.

15-01-10, 16:54
Hi there,

I'm pretty sure you just haven't given the antibiotics time to work. With some infections you can see results in a couple of days, others take a bit longer.

To the doctor it will probably have been very obvious that he/she was looking at an infection - remember illnesses we might have once in a lifetime they see every day.

Hope you feel better soon.


16-01-10, 23:45
Well, I thought I was on the road to recovery because my throat was better but now I have swollen gland on neck, along jawline, tender to touch and also tender under armpit. Sometimes pain shoots down to collar bone. All locations of lymph nodes. Of course....cancer has popped in my head. My friends keep telling me this is all a result of the tonsil infection and since it has come on suddenly and is tender it is NOT cancer. Gosh, I hope they are right....guess I'm headed back to the doc on Monday...I just wish I could stop all of this worry and live my life!

17-01-10, 01:16
things that might put your mind at ease:

1) lymph nodes that hurt are usually due to infection or immune response of some sort.
2) prodding and poking lymph nodes does actually tend to irritate them and make them hurt. Try it, it's true.
4) lymph node cancer typically presents as painless lumps. On this occasion pain is a good sign.

hope that helps!

17-01-10, 04:17
Thanks that is very helpful....