View Full Version : Girlfriend is having severe sickness since Tuesday

15-01-10, 17:06
Don't know what is going on and , as you can imagine, I am thinking the worst here. She has NO anxiety though.

She's had a headache and a very upset stomach since Tuesday night and has been feeling sick although she has thrown up only this morning and this afternoon.

NHS24 stupidly said she may have heartburn which is not the case so I am not sure about ever phoning them back.

Is there a tummy bug going around ? Anyone else know if this is a common issue just now ?

We've ruled pregnancy out anyway

margaret jones
15-01-10, 17:10
Hi sorry to hear that your girlfriend is poorly there is a sickness bug around at the moment whivh my grandaughter had last week she was off work for 3 days and seemed to recover by just drinking lots of fluids mainly water and no food for 24 hrs.
Hope she soon feels better if not ring GP again

Take Care Margaret

15-01-10, 17:18
Sorry your girlfriend is so sick. It could be the flu. Is she achy? How about a fever?

I hope she feels better soon.

15-01-10, 17:24
The old winter vomiting virus is doing the rounds -its likely shes got a bit of a bug - keep her hydrated and off food for 24 hours as corrine says.

If she doesnt get any better then make an appointment to see the dr.

try not to worry - i know its hard!

hope she feels better soon
