View Full Version : Panic attack or anxiety attack

15-01-10, 17:57
Hey, I'm Rosie. I've was on anti-depressants for a year for depression and anxiety. I came off them two weeks ago as I am planning to start a family after I get married in March. In the last couple of days I have been feeling more and more anxious. I don't feel depressed any more (I don't think!), but I feel like I am having an anxiety attack right now. The same old feelings are coming back. Lack of control, fear, sweating, shaking, confused, tingles in my hands. It's horrible and I want it to stop, without drinking a bottle of wine, which is how I used to self medicate. Also, I'm scared that I might need to go back on the anti-depressants. I thought I was doing ok.
Rosie x

15-01-10, 19:19
Hi Rosie

I presume you came off the anti-depressants slowly? Maybe it's some kind of withdraw thing making you feel bad - I guess this will settle down in time if so.
Alcohol will only make you worse (as I'm sure you know) as it affects our moods even more. Could you focus on something to do with your wedding to distract you? A lot of people get stressed when they get married, so yours could just be a normal reaction to that!


ian hall
15-03-13, 11:17
Hey, I'm Rosie. I've was on anti-depressants for a year for depression and anxiety. I came off them two weeks ago as I am planning to start a family after I get married in March. In the last couple of days I have been feeling more and more anxious. I don't feel depressed any more (I don't think!), but I feel like I am having an anxiety attack right now. The same old feelings are coming back. Lack of control, fear, sweating, shaking, confused, tingles in my hands. It's horrible and I want it to stop, without drinking a bottle of wine, which is how I used to self medicate. Also, I'm scared that I might need to go back on the anti-depressants. I thought I was doing ok.
Rosie x
hi yes a drink does makeyou feel better i know i have been there but it can also make anx worse so be carefull

15-03-13, 16:44
Crystallise I say this to most people upon whose threads I comment, have you had therapy?
Did your GP offer CBT? cbt is the gold standard treatment for anxiety nowadays with or without meds, not the other way around.
So many people on these forums are on anti depressants for neurotic disorders which would be better served with CBT.
Try the now free and excellent CBT4panic which is endorsed through this website. It is working for me and many others.
It is so sad to hear of everyone trying to medicate their anxieties away when the power is there within all of us to think ourselves out of these conditions.