View Full Version : help am i losing it

15-01-10, 18:59
does anybody feel so lightheaded then they panic that they are going to lose touch with reality im scared i dnt want to have a nervous breakdown:ohmy:

15-01-10, 19:08
Being light headed is a part of my life. When it gets bad, I take an Ativan and it tapers off in about a half hour.

I'm sorry you feel like this. I know exactly how you feel. I hope it gets better real soon!

15-01-10, 19:10
That's the adrenaline that a panic attack produces. Look on here at the signs and symptoms of a panic attack and it might help x

15-01-10, 20:47
i always get that hun......u remind me of myself a lot. I used to go to htese panic attack groups and when i was there they asked us all to write downour 3 biggest fears and most of our answers were very different......but 1 was the same. We all feared we was gonna go mad and have some kind of break down. Its so scarey but just reconise it for what it is hunny..ur mind playing tricks. It so much easier to give advise then take it ;)

16-01-10, 00:21
Yeah I felt like this last night. It was very severe and intense. I just felt like I wasn't here if that makes any sense. I kept getting head rush's and adrenaline rush's. I went doc's today and he said I was fine, lightheadedness is major part of anxiety. For me, it's one of the worst symptoms. Hope you feel better soon.


eternally optimistic
16-01-10, 16:17
Yeah, me toooooo.

Its so freaky, frightens the hell out of me.

I had to do an errand for work, run to the bank, and it happened there once and does every other visit. I feel so TERRIFIED by the whole thing.

I know I've read that you cant pass out but, once when my husband was admitted to hospital for day surgery, I did pass out twice... There is a funny side to this, thank god, I ended up on a ward for the day whilst he had his op and ended up having to get a lift home for two not one. What a nightmare. I can only assume the two are connected.

Hope you manage to deal with this issue.

Take care.